"Promise me that you'll at least try to help him along."

Well, he was trying, and it wasn't like he was just going to talk to be talking. Keith was smart enough to realize that this all could be some kind of trap, there probably wasn't any Oriande at all, and it was actually just a story to get people to move in that direction. Keith wouldn't be surprised if bands of survivors settled near that rumored, place, just to kill whoever came close enough to shoot.

He watched silently as Coran picked up the little radio, cursing a little under his breath when he dropped it onto the floor by accident, and Shiro leaned down to help with gathering the sudden explosion of wires that spilled out the back of the machine.

"Darn, this equipment," Coran muttered, "well, I suppose it's served its purpose, but I could have it back together within an hour or two." He grabbed the pieces in Shiro's outstretched hand and they both straightened up again.

"You don't have to fix it, we have the message and that's enough. I'm hoping we'll all be able to leave by tomorrow morning."

Coran chuckled, "Oh, no, number one, I have no intention of going with you."

"What?" Allura's eyes widened, "but, Coran, this has been your dream to find Oriande, and now that you have, you're not coming? Why aren't you coming with us? It could be your home-"

"My home is here, Allura. I may not be ten-thousand years old, but I am too old to make the journey with you in one piece," the man grinned, "besides, I can finally give this place a good scrub-down with everyone gone." And with the radio in one hand and the broken pieces of it in the other, he strolled out of the room, barely giving Keith a glance as he did so and humming quietly as he went.

Coran was barely gone for a second before Allura spoke, "If he's not going, then I'm not either," she stated firmly, crossing her arms.

Shiro's eyes widened in alarm, "Allura-"

"No, I will not leave Coran to fend for himself all on his own. Perhaps once you five have entered Oriande, you can come back with a vehicle and fetch us, but Coran is like a father to me and I will not leave him behind."

"Then, I'm not going either."

"But you must," Allura shook her head, "Lance and the others are counting on you to lead them through this, they'll be lost without you, Shiro. You cannot expect them to make it on their own without your leadership to get them there."


"Shiro please," her voice grew softer, "You must go, we'll be fine here until you return but you must go with them." She grabbed Shiro's hand and encased it in her own, "Do it for me."

Keith watched as Shiro visibly deflated before finally saying in a much softer tone, "Okay, I'll go, but you better know, I'm doing this for you, I love you Allura."

"I know," Allura smiled sadly, before leaning up for a kiss, and Keith took that moment as his opportunity to leave without being seen. After what just happened, he doubted he could convince anyone else that Oriande might not even exist.

And besides, if Oriande really did exist, he could finally be free from this crushing apocalypse.

The thought had his steps faltering as he realized what this could mean. He could be free from this, all the running and starving, and killing like there wasn't a tomorrow to look forward to. Keith could finally have a future and a life instead of living in this bleak wasteland for the rest of his pathetic life.

He knew it wasn't much to hope for, and of course, he still had that doubt flickering in the back of his mind, but with the new insight rising to the front of his mind he'd be willing to risk it all if it meant he'd get just a little taste of freedom.

And with that, he headed towards his room to begin packing what little he had for the journey ahead.


The news that Coran and Allura weren't coming didn't go down well.

It was over breakfast when the two announced that they wouldn't be coming, and just about everyone but Keith looked as if they were going to go into an enraged fit, or get on their knees and beg that they come with them.

Of course, neither would get them to come, and the mood was far from joyful when they finally were forced to say their goodbyes. The sky was clear and the sun was bright when they finally stepped outside, but no one seemed to notice the bright cheerfulness of the outdoors when they were all about to leave behind two of their own. However, Coran seemed to be prepared for the departing and he went down the line of survivors, pressing a small device into each of their hands for them to have.

"These are communicators I've cooked up for you five, I haven't had a single moment to test them, but if they work, you will be able to talk with us whenever and wherever you like," the man smiled gently as he made it to Keith. He felt cool metal being pressed into his palm before he moved on. Once Coran passed on to Lance who was beside him, Keith looked down to see that it was a similar device to the one he had seen Pidge with weeks earlier: a small touchscreen device attached to a wristband with a small collection of buttons on the side.

With minor difficulty, Keith fastened the small device to his wrist and looked up in time to see Shiro slip the communicator into his pocket before pulling Allura into a tight hug.

"I'll talk to you every night, I promise."

"Please stay safe."

"I will."

The sun warmed his head and Keith adjusted the backpack on his shoulders, the sheath of his katana digging lightly into his back as he watched the others give their goodbyes while he stood awkwardly off to the edge of the group. He knew she should probably at least say goodbye to Allura, but he wasn't exactly the touchy-feely type so instead, he stayed back, letting the people that had known each other for years do all the talking.

Looking down to the ground, he startled when there was suddenly a set of arms around him, and he looked up to see Allura's white hair blocking his vision.

She smiled softly at him when she finally let him go, "Help take care of them for me, please."

Keith's stomach tightened slightly at the reminder of what he couldn't do for Chyra, but he swallowed that memory down and instead nodded.

"I will."

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