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Rosekit trembled in her sleep. "No," she mumbled. "Please, don't hurt me."

Her sister nudged her awake. "Rosekit, wake up," whispered batkit.

Rosekit jumped up.

"It's okay," her mother comforted, "It was only a dream."

Rosekit and Batkit exchanged a meaningful look.

"Can I have a poppyseed to help me go back to sleep?" Rosekit asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any," Hollyleaf said.

"Please?" she begged, "It was a really really bad dream."

Hollyleaf sighed, "Alright, I'll go get some, but just this once."

The kits waited until she was gone.

"Did you dream about the dark island again?" whispered Batkit.

Rosekit nodded.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I have to go," Rosekit whimpered.

"What?" Batkit said. "You can't!"

"I don't have a choice. They'll kill mom if I don't."

"Then let me go with you," Batkit insisted.

"You can't," Rosekit said.

"Then I'll stop you. I'll tell mom."

Rosekit hesitated at first, then gave in. "Okay, but we have to leave now."

Rosekit lead her sister down a tunnel too small for their mother to follow. It was unfamiliar to them, but Rosekit had seen it in a dream. The tunnel stretch deep through the grounds. Batkit's paws started to get sore from walking. Eventually, the tunnel started to curve upwards towards the surface.

"I see light," said Rosekit. The two kits stuck there heads outside for the first time. Their mother had never let them leave the cave.

"It's so bright," Batkit squinted. She blinked as her eyes adjusted. Batkit looked around in wonder, but Rosekit wasn't distracted. She'd seen this in her dream. She knew what she had to do. The kits trekked on. The sun rose and fell before they reached their destination. When they did, they were not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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