Chapter Five

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As the sun set and darkness engulfed your home the noise from the beast outside ceased to exist. The hair on the back of your neck rose anxiously as your dog watched the window. You swallowed but kept your cool.  If you could call it that anyways. Your hands shook a little the more you thought about what was going to happen. Outside you knew neither you or your dog were safe. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe. Okay, all fearful thoughts aside your curiosity began to take over. Man, you were all over the place like a freight train get it together, Y/N. 

You looked out the window and stared out. You could make out the silhouette of the beast but not of its master. You shook a little but figured he had left to find a way in. You glanced at your dog who was calming when you were up until you noticed the hackles on his back haunches raising as he bared his teeth in your direction. You feared the worst and as you turned to look back out the window. There the man in black and blue stood staring back at you. You swallowed hard; the scream bubbling in your throat refused to come out as you sat frozen in place on the floor. 

Buddy made his way over with bared teeth as he got between you and the window, evidently between you and the stranger. The man in the blue mask cocked his head to the side as he watched you both with the blank and empty voids you dubbed as eyes. How could someone have such a dark fabric on their mask to hide their eyes like that? You swallowed hard as you gripped the stake you held in your hand. You could barely muster a phrase before you remembered you did fight back with this guy in the dark in the woods. 

You got bolder and stood up with your beloved dog still between you and the glass. "What the hell are you?" There was no response. Instead, he mocked your movements and stood his full height. He had been slouching to see you better when you were on the floor and now you could see he towered over you. You swallowed hard as he stepped close to the glass and took pause when Buddy lunged at the glass with a loud rumble from him that you had never heard before. He started barking when the man put his hand on the glass and smeared the same black ooze that dripped off of his mask onto the once transparent window. 

You pulled the dog away as the man seemed to grin. His mask raising was your only indication of this. He pressed a single finger to the glass and wrote in the black sludge.                                         'demon', was his answer to your question. You took pause to reread the message over and over again. He tilted his head again and so you mocked him. "What's your name?" You wanted to know more, maybe you could look it up on your phone later if you survived. Ha. Funny... 

You shifted nervously as you waited for his answer. He didn't at first and simply watched you with a dark look on his face before writing again.                                                                                            'E.J.' He wrote. You swallowed but nodded compliantly. Your face paled and your hands shook. A voice pulled you out of your thoughts before you could speak again. "I only tell you my name because you're not going to make it to the morning..." You looked up. "Is that a challenge?" You asked through gritted teeth. "No, it is a promise." You could just see the glint of his mask almost illuminate his smirk. 

"That's bold of you to assume you're going to be the one making it to the morning." His grinning stopped. "You're going to wish I had killed you in those woods." You got close to the window and glared up at him. "Then I guess you're going to wish I had actually bashed your brains out, huh? Oil Spill." That did it. Oh... Shit, you had to open your mouth, didn't you Y/N?

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