Chapter One

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The clocks were ticking.
Each little theoretical tick made your skin crawl and writhe like something was beneath the flesh. You knew better than to say anything as all eyes were on you.
With a sharp-toothed grin, though it was a hesitating one, you proceeded down the cemetery trail. It was a dare, a really shitty one. One you stupidly agreed to because you wanted to seem cool, good going on your part, now look where you are. Walking down a cold, dark, smelly, muddy cemetery path to the forest people are said to disappear only to be found miles away without any recollection of what happened or how they got there. 

So, this dare huh? As you continued to tread along with every unwilling fiber in your body a sigh came out the more you thought about the dare. Walk through the cemetery, through the forest, and to the opposite side where a few more people would be waiting for you. You quickened your pace. The more you thought about it the less tense you became. This dare shouldn't be entirely difficult, right? I mean it's just a walk through the woods... Sure people disappeared but maybe it was on their own fault. You inwardly groaned as a raccoon bolted past causing your heart to jump out of your chest. "Christ... What next? A dead body?" You just had to jinx yourself huh, Y/N? Almost on cue, you stumbled to find a corpse of a deer, guts and other gore strewn around on the dirt causing you to dry heave. You looked ahead and swore you seen a large beast almost the size of the trees themselves stare back with soulless eyes.

You stayed frozen and flat on the muddy ground as the monster walked away without a sound despite the size and weight it had to have on the ground. You swallowed hard and slowly rose from your safe spot and let out a fearful sigh. The mud that caked your shirt dropped back to its rightful home as you carefully backed away from the way the creature went; making sure you didn't trip over the mangled deer in the process. You couldn't do it. Didn't matter how tough or as bold you may be, you were smarter than some horror movie characters. Cootos for you Y/N. With haste in your step, you quickly rounded the way you had come with ease and a feeling that something was watching your every move. Not surprising to be fair.

You continued your way back, but as you drew closer to the place you began your adventure into hells forest you found that not one person, nor car was there anymore. They left you there. They left you there at 12 at night in the middle of nowhere with no car and no way home. You lived an hour away from home and alone at that; being a fresh grad from college n' all. Yeah, what great friends you had, huh? You sat down and rested back against a headstone with a low sigh that seemed to be the only thing keeping you at ease. It seemed you were there alone what with nobody to come back for you and no way for you to get ahold of anyone through your phone since you had left it to charge in... What was her name again? Ashley's car? 

Yeah, her car. You closed your eyes for a moment and let out another annoyed sigh. Maybe they were on the opposite side of the forest..? You peered from behind the large smoothed stone and sighed as you looked back into the eerie woods. You swore you could see a glint in the woods, an orb almost before it disappeared. You shuddered and closed your eyes before rising hesitantly too your feet. "I hate my life, so much right now."

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