Chapter 8

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Danielle's POV

Throughout the week things went normal but I couldn't stop thinking about the date with Jamie for tonight. To say the least I've been freaking out for the past few days.

"So what are you gonna wear tonight?" Lilli and I are laying on my bed procrastinating because I have no clue what to wear.

"I have no idea. He wouldn't tell me what we're doing." I leaned up and looked at Lilli. "What am I going to do?"

"Did he tell you anything?"

"His exact words were 'don't worry about dressing up no matter what you wear you'll look gorgeous'." Lilli shot up from her spot on the bed.

"Did he really say that?" I nodded my head and watched Lilli to my closet and start going through my clothes. Lilli threw an outfit at me and without looking at it I went to put it on. The pants were a pair of ripped jeans that I loved but the shirt she had thrown me was a tank top I would never wear alone.

"Lilli I usually wear this under another shirt." She had a smile on her face that I couldn't describe as anything other than sinister. She threw me a maroon leather jacket that I forgot I even had.

"You're wearing that and your black booties and I'll tell you why. Because JT is going to show up here expecting you to be wearing a t-shirt and jeans and while you can totally pull that off and look like a super model this will blow his mind. It's not too dressy but not too casual and you look amazing." I hoped Lili was right and that this outfit wasn't too much because I had no idea what Jamie had planned for our date.

"Let me put your hair in a messy bun and touch up your makeup and you'll be ready to go."

When the doorbell rang Lilli ran down the stairs with me following slower behind her.

"Hey JT. Are you excited for tonight?" I was standing at the top of the stairs out of sight but still in ear shot.

"I'm nervous as hell." I decided it was rude to eavesdrop so I started my way down the stairs and when my eyes met Jamie's I'll never forget what he said.

"Like an angel." I knew that the blush on my face was visible but I didn't care. All I cared about was that his eyes were on me.

"Are you ready?" 

"More than you'll ever know." Walking out to Jamie's car I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.

The ride was quiet and I tried my hardest to keep my eyes off of him. When he finally parked I realized we were in a field.

"Jamie, where are we?" I would be lying if I said I didn't think for a second that maybe he brought me out here to kill me.

"This is the best place in all of Cross Point to see the stars." I stepped out of the car and looked to the sky and the stars looked like lights, if I didn't know better I would've though I could reach out and touch them.

Jamie grabbed a blanket from the backseat of his car and laid it on the ground. We laid next to each other and he held my hand.

"This is beautiful."

"When I was thinking of a place that was worthy of a date with you I couldn't think of anything. My little sister was actually the one who recommended this place because I bring her here sometimes. I needed a beautiful place for a beautiful girl."

I turned to look at Jamie hoping it was dark enough that he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes. He didn't understand how hard I had it at some of my old schools and that hearing him speak so highly of me truly made me want to cry. We laid there for what felt like hours just talking and looking at the stars when Jamie decided that he should get me home. On the ride back to my house he held my hand the whole way meaning I held butterflies in my stomach the whole way.

Jamie walked me to my front door and I desperately didn't want the night to end. He made me feel like I was in a movie and I loved every second of it.

"Thank you for tonight Jamie." I looked from our conjoined hands to his eyes and my heart melted.

"Thank you for letting me take you there." My mind couldn't think of words to say back to him all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him despite not knowing him again for very long. I kissed him anyways.

When my lips touched his he dropped my hands using one of his to pull me closer by my hip and the other to hold my face to his. I couldn't help myself from running my hands up his chest feeling every one of his muscles. When we pulled apart we were both out of breath.

"Wow." I looked into Jamie's dark eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"See you Monday." I pressed my lips to his cheek before stepping inside waiting to hear his car come back to life.

Once Jamie was out of my driveway I called Lilli knowing she would want to hear all about it.

"Hey hot mama how was the date?" I was glad she was eager to listen because I was eager to relive it.

"It was perfect. He took me stargazing." Lilli audibly awed and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"We just talked and held hands and he walked me to the door when we got to my house."

"As a gentleman should."

"I kissed him Lilli. He didn't kiss like that in middle school." Lilli screamed and you could hear Corbin asking her to keep it down.

"Tell me every detail." We were both giggling and I realized I've never had a friend like her.

"Well I kissed him first and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Then he put his other hand on my face and I swear I melted into him. It was perfect."

"I'm happy for you Danielle. I hope you guys work out, I truly do. He deserves someone like you." It made me feel one hundred times better knowing she thought we would be good together.

Maybe this time I could have a real relationship.


I'm for sure a few hours late but in my defense I actually had a really good day which is rare for me when I'm on campus.

I honestly feel like the chapter is a little dry for a date chapter but whatever.

Hope you enjoyed! XOXO

Jamieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें