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"April!" I heard Hannah calling me. "Yes?" I didn't looked at her because I was busy making lunch. "Come here and look" she looked at me and back to her laptop.

I stopped what I was doing, and walked to her side. I sat down next to her. "Look. It says that there will be an EXO concert next week. I think it's for Planet #5..." we both looked at each and screamed. Oh my god. Finally! SM finally confirmed about it. I'm so excited!

"Hey, there's still some tickets left. Let's buy 2?"

"Do we have money to buy the tickets?"

"I'vee been saving money lately.."

"How much?"

"Uh.. I think... More than 200000 won.."


"So, should we?"

"Sure, just... Don't buy the VIP tickets.."


"It's ticket for VIP are all sold out"

"Ohh.. Ok. I'm going to choose. You can continue making breakfast"

I nodded and went back to the kitchen.


"April! Wake up!"

"Go away. I'm trying to sleep here.." I mumured.

"April!" she panked my butt.

"What!?" I sat down and loked at her.

"Are you forgetting something?" she calmly touched my hand. I tried to think, but nothing came to my mind.

"It's the day! EXO's concert?! Planet #5??!"

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"I was trying to wake you up, but you didn't to wake up!"

"What time will the concert start?"

"9:30 PM!"

I looked at my phone and it was 8:30 PM! I looked at her with wide eyes. I was sleeping the whole day. I got off bed and got ready. I only got 30mins to get ready, plus another 30 minutes to travel. SHOOT!


We were inside, waiting for everyone to come. There were so many fans who came today.

After about 5 minutes, the lights went and the music came on. And EXO made their amazing entrance. We (fans) all cheered and sang along with the songs.

"Hana, Dul, Set... We Are One! We are EXO!" they greeted.

"How are you guys? We missed you guys~" Chanyeol happily said, looking around.

The members started to talk about things. "Shh.." Jongdae-ah,why all of the sudden? I guess the fans were making too much noise. Everyone become quiet.

"Jongdae oppa! Saranghae!!" a fan yellled, and fans went 'ohhhhh' and some the EXO members laughed. I just saw Jongdae smiling very sweetly. I also smiled because I'm an Jongdae stan, Hannah is a Baekhyun stan.

Suddenly, the fans chanted "EXO!" in repeat. And EXO chanted "EXO-L!" on repeat too. Oh my, I'm soft~

Hours passed, and the concert ended. I wish it didn't ended so soon. But the good news is that the concert will last until Friday. (Its Monday)

Fans were already out of the dome and started to go home. "Hey, April! Let's go eat dinner, my treat!" she smiled at me.

"Sure! Where?"

"To Daebak (Korean BBQ Place)!" she held my hand, and we started to walk there. "So, how's the concert?" She asked me.

"It was good, I--- Wait. I think I left something inside the dome. My Phone!"

"You should go back, I'll wait here." she lookedd at me with a smile. "Ok, it won't be long" hopefully though..

I ran back inside the dome, went to the seat where we stayed, and it's gone! I kept on looking around, but I didn't find. Where did I left it? My father brought me that phone as a memory of him...

"Are you looking for this?" a sudden voice in. His voice was so familiar. I looked at my side and it was...


My eyes widen. Oh my god. He looks so handsome upclose.. It's my first time seeing my favorite idol upclose..

I just nodded at him, still with the widen eyes. "Here" he handed me my phone, and smiled at me. Jongdae-ah please don't do that, I might melt here..

He slowly walked by passed me,while saying "It's nice seeing you again.."

What does he mean by "it's nice seeing you again"?! 

Have we met before?

I turned my head to look at him but he was already gone.

My brain couldn't work much.

C'mon April. Get it together!! He's just teasing me... yeah..


*** a/n

I edit this again cuz there were many mistakes.

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