38.2: Come on, Lets Go!

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"I dunno," Cherish shrugged and put the car in drive, "Does that matter?"

When Seven said nothing, she drove off, trying to remember a route Quentin had driven several times a few years ago when they had all come up in the summer. Everything was different- winter did that to fond full summer memories- but she eventually found it.

She pulled into the parking lot of the deserted beach and smiled at the tranquil beauty. There wasn't too much snow, as it hadn't really been a snowy year, but what there was, was pretty much pristine, and the lake was partially iced over. She got out of the car and headed for the path that led to the shore.

"Cherish?" Seven was hesitant. "Are you sure?"

"About what?"

"Um..." he pointed down to the beach, "Ian said-"

"Ugh! Ian said!" Cherish sighed, walking back to where he stood. "I'm beginning to hate those words... What did he say, Sev?"

He was uncomfortable and tense under her steady gaze, and he shuffled avoiding her eyes until he finally sighed.  "That you wouldn't even go anywhere alone with Jeb or Cash after..."

It wasn't quite what she'd expected him to say. Turning away from him, she retraced her steps toward the beach. Behind her, Seven followed with slightly unsure steps, "Cherish, I know technically we've been alone before, but there have always been people around. Are you sure you want to go down there?"

She didn't answer for some time, walking instead to the sand. "I'm not some fragile doll, Seven." She threw the words over her shoulder eventually. Her tone was sharp, annoyed, full of edge and he quickened his step to her side, and settled into the freezing sand beside her.


When she turned to him, her mouth set in a hard line, holding his gaze evenly for what seemed like too long, he felt like an idiot. With a sigh, she tilted her head and broke her intense glare, "You won't hurt me, will you, Bunny?"

If he had thought she would ask him that, he might never have questioned her. Those whispered words stung a little, left him feeling scorched by the tiny bit of apprehension and doubt he thought he heard.  "You know I would never, Cherish."

"And that's why we're here."

Her body pressing into his side with easy familiarity, made him release a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

"Calm down, Sev."

He grunted a chuckle at her words, ones he'd normally be saying to her, and put his arm around her. "Sure thing, Boss."

"Please stop that."

"Sure thing, Boss."


He laughed as he evaded her playful slap, "Sure thing, Boss!"

Given his larger size, subduing her- when the single slap turned into a barrage of slaps- was a breeze. He caught her hands easily in one of his and wrapping his free arm around her waist, he yanked her up off the sand and into him. With a surprised squeal, Cherish tried to throw her weight forward to avoid falling backwards into him.

It didn't work at all; she only managed to free one arm which she waved wildly behind her head in an attempt to hit him. Ducking his head away from her hand, he lost his balance and rolled back into the sand, taking her with him. Cherish had the upper hand now, poking her elbows back into his stomach, but Seven only lifted her again as he sat up with little to no effort and set her down in front of him.

The Great PretenderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz