Oh God, Not Him

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This song will give you the real feelzzzzz!!!!!!!!

=just a reminder of the last chapter=

-I nuzzled my face into his shoulder while he played with my hair, whispering sweet things in my ear. I looked behind him and saw the guy more clearly...oh God, not him.-

*Alyssa's POV*
As I saw who was before my eyes I only cried harder. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying more?" Shawn asked worry laced in his voice. I didn't know what to say.  I pushed against Shawn's arms and cried. "Hey, hey, hey! Alyssa stop!" Shawn sternly said. I felt him struggling to hold onto me, which I'd expect since I was lashing out in his arms. Shawn dropped me for a millisecond so I took my chance and ran. I could hear him yelling and running after me. I opened the door to Shawn's car and got in. I locked the doors and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and wished to be home right now. I hear a knock on the window, which let me say scared the hell out of me,  but I saw Shawn smiling at me. He pointed to the door and jiggled the handle. I unlocked the doors, letting him in. "We'll talk later." He said calmly. A million thoughts started to run through my head when I heard that. 


"Alyssa! Can you come down here please?" I yelled. Alyssa slowly walked down the stairs. She looked really upset. I waved her over to the couch. She slowly came over to me. "I want to talk about your little freak out earlier." I started. She looked up a tad and whispered "I knew that man." I was taken back a little. She knew who came for her. "Who was he baby? And do you know what he looked like? Has he done anything to you in the past?" I rushed out. She nodded and spoke. "He abducted me when I was 4. No one even bothered looking for me. He's the reason I lost my first family. The family that actually loved me. He escaped from jail a while back." I watched her as a couple tears ran down her face. I could tell she was holding back a lot more than those few tears. "Do you remember what he looks like? Because if you do we can have him put in jail again... and make sure he stays where he belongs." I said, side hugging her. She leaned out of the hug and stood up. She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to her art room. I'm a lot taller than her so I was leaning down a ton so I didn't rip her arm off. She looked around the room for a couple minutes and then turned around and went to her bedroom. I followed her and noticed some things. She had put up  some of her paintings, turning the room into her own little thing. She drip painted her dresser with rainbow streaks and painted small little Disney characters on her walls. I walked around her room looking at all the things she painted. There was a guitar with Elvis Presley's signature, A couple small music notes, Mike Wazowski and Sully from Monsters Inc., it was cute. "I like what you've done with the place." I told her gently smiling. I continued to explore the walls until I heard a little "Aha!" from behind me. Alyssa was kneeling on the floor, and she pulled out a sketch pad from under her bed. I walked over to her and sat on the bed, picking her up and setting her next to me. She flipped through it for a couple seconds. I noticed she liked to draw Elvis Presley quite a bit. She turned to a page with a man drawn on it. "I tried to draw him the best I could. I wanted to turn it in to a police station but I was too scared he'd come for me." She said, pushing the sketch toward me. I took the pad from her and asked, "Can I tear this page out? I can take it to the station myself, you wouldn't have to come.". She nodded leaned against me. I tore the page out and handed the sketchbook back to her. She walked out of the room, and I headed to the kitchen so I could call the police operators. When I was done I walked back upstairs to see what Alyssa was up to. She was in her art room painting a new water color, so I just left her alone. I went downstairs and watched T.V. for a while. I knew everything was going to turn out just fine.

Found and saved by Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now