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*Alyssa's POV* 

I woke up to Shawn holding me in his lap while he was sitting on the couch. I moved my head and saw the T.V was on. I was watching the television until I heard Shawn speak. "We can watch whatever you want... not just the news." He whispered with a chuckle escaping his lips. "No thank you, you seem to enjoy this so we'll watch this." I whispered back. "I don't like this it's so boring... it's just on." He laughed. "Oh" Is all I could reply. Shawn chuckled and turned the television off. He stood up with me still in his arms, and he ran outside with me. Shawn set me on the grass and then ran up to my play set with me watching him.

*Shawn's POV*

I got up from the couch with Alyssa still in my arms bridal style and ran outside. While we were running I could tell she had gone into her head space. She was now in a fit of giggles and it was literally the cutest thing ever. I ran outside and set her down standing in the grass. I ran up to her play set and started making funny faces. She started laughing and sat down and I yelled "Come and get me!". She smiled and got up and toddled up the play set. I started running the other way and I hid behind one of the walls. I saw Alyssa with her tongue sticking out while she was looking for me. I giggled a little while shaking my head. She was too cute! I saw her walking by me and I got the great idea to scare her... but not too bad. Alyssa was starting to walk towards the wall I was  hiding behind. By the time she was right by the wall I jumped out and grabbed her then I started tickling her. She screamed a little and then started giggling. I was tickling her neck and she was only giggling. I went to go sit down and my knee accidentally hit her in the rib cage and I heard something I hadn't expected. Alyssa had let out a little squeak. I gave her a weird look and she just stared at me. I grinned at her and she had pure fear in her eyes. She was quick to get out of my grip... to quick. I didn't expect it so I lost my hold on her. I went to grab her wrist and she slipped out of that to. "Dang it!" I yelled. Alyssa was running across the yard and I was chasing after her. She was in a giggle fit and it was the cutest thing ever. Alyssa ran into the house and I ran after her. She hid in the living room and hid behind the couch. I acted like I didn't see her go behind the couch though. I decided to act like I didn't know where she was. I slowly tip toed over to the end of the couch. I then yelled "BOO!" and she screamed and tried to run away. I caught up to her and grabbed her by her hips and started tickling her rib cage, poking and prodding in between each rib. I also squeezed her hips and that made her squeal.  Alyssa was now in hysterics and was trying to get out of my grip but I wasn't going to let her. She was laughing and trying to push my hands away but I was too strong for her and her hands kept slipping. I then set her on the ground and put my knees on either sides of her hips. I gave Alyssa a minute to breath and she was crying from laughing so much. I then lifted up her shirt to a respectful height and Alyssa looked up at me. She had pure terror in her eyes. I slowly bent down while she was watching me. I took the palm of my hand and gently pushed her chin upward so she couldn't see what I was doing. I then bent my head down and pushed my lips to her stomach. I knew she felt it because she gasped. I then blew a gentle raspberry and then another and another in different areas on her tummy harder and harder as I went around it. Alyssa was trying to pull her shirt down but I kept it up. Alyssa was laughing and crying once again. Mission completed! I mended a cute broken girl and made her smile again! I stopped and pulled her shirt down. I picked her up and nuzzled her with my nose and I just decided to kiss her face all over. Alyssa was once again, in a fit of giggles. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and put her on the bed. "I'll be back in a minute baby doll." I said. She looked at me and nodded. I walked downstairs and got some food and then ran back upstairs. I walked into the room slowly so I didn't scare Alyssa. She was out on the balcony that went out of my bedroom. She was just standing there leaning on the railing. I walked over to the door wall and knocked on the door frame. Alyssa spun around and looked at me. I started walking over to her and when I got there she looked at me with tears in her eyes. Well, that startled me so I put the food down on a table that was out on the balcony. I ran back over to her and picked her up. I looked out at the view. It was gorgeous. Just not as gorgeous as Alyssa. I leaned Alyssa back so I could see her face. She had tears streaming down her face. I kissed her tears away and I looked at her. She was in her head space so I couldn't really communicate with her. She turned and pointed at the view with a cute little smile on her face. "Yeah, it's pretty isn't it baby." I whispered. She looked at me and nodded her head. I sat her down on the balcony railing and wrapped my arms around her stomach so she wouldn't fall. I set my chin on her shoulder, kissing her cheek every once and a while. We sat there like that for a while util I remembered the food. I stepped slightly to the side to grab the bowl of dry Mini Wheats I had brought up. I handed it to Alyssa and she took it. "Thank you." She whispered. "Your welcome princess." I cooed back and kissed the side of her neck, making her giggle. She started eating them while still looking at the view. She finished the Mini Wheats since it wasn't that big of a bowl. Alyssa yawned and started rubbing her whole face with her hands. "Are you tired, baby?" I whispered into her ear. She just nodded her head "yes".

Found and saved by Shawn MendesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang