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It was the day of the interview. I was just wondering what the fans would think about Alyssa. I didn't need hem hating her anymore than the already did. I sent out a tweet saying I had a special little guest. I looked at the schedule. I got interviewed first and then Alyssa came out and danced. And then she got interviewed. I hoped something offensive didn't come up. At the bottom of the schedule it said if something bad happened I had the right to speak up for Alyssa or walk off stage with Alyssa. I showed Alyssa the schedule and she seemed okay with it. I got called on stage. I got interviewed for a while and then we went into the crowd while Alyssa danced.

{I love this dance so much}

{No copyright intended}


After Alyssa was done dancing she got interviewed about it but then this question came up, "Why are you so ugly?" I stood up abruptly and yelled at the interviewer. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASK HER THAT NOR SAY THAT TO HER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! *sigh* Alyssa c'mon baby lets go." I said holding my hand out to her. Alyssa took my hand and we walked off stage. I picked her up once we got off stage. I saw Alyssa looking back at the stage with an angry manager giving her a death glare. Alyssa put her head in my neck and I felt wetness. I tilted Alyssa back and she smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed her forehead. She was faking that smile...I know that for a fact. I walked out to the car and set her in the passenger's seat. I closed the door and jogged over to the driver's side. I started the car and drove off. After a few minutes of silence, I asked "What are you thinking about?". Alyssa didn't say anything for a few seconds before replying with "I know I'm ugly but people don't have to bring it up all the time." She said with a small sob. I pulled into a hospital parking lot and parked. I saw Alyssa start crying even harder. I got out and went over to her side of the car calmly. Alyssa unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car before I could get over to her. I ran to her and hugged her, falling to my knees. Alyssa wasn't moving...she just kind of stood there. I cried into her stomach for a few minutes before I heard "Shawn...I love you. You've treated me amazingly, but... I think it's time for you to, you know, forget me. I've ruined your reputation. You shouldn't have to deal with something like me. "No Alyssa. You aren't a thing. You are my daughter and I will never leave matter what." I said standing up. Alyssa hugged me and we got back in the car, driving home. 

Once we were home I opened the door and let Alyssa inside. She ran upstairs and I heard her bedroom door close. I went and sat on the kitchen bar stool.  I heard Alyssa from behind me. "Hey, Shawn? Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry." "Um... there might be something in the cupboard." I replied. "Nope." I heard. "Check in the fridge." I said back. "Can I have the leftover pizza?" She asked. "Sure." I answered. I watched as Alyssa walked the pizza box over in front of me and set it on the counter. She turned around and looked for plates. "There above the glasses." I told her. She looked up and frowned a little. I watched as she hauled herself up onto the counter, not being able to fully drag herself up. I got up and picked her up so she could reach the plates. Alyssa laughed when I set her down. "Thank you. But I could've gotten it myself." She sassily said. "You could barely get up on the counter!" I laughed. She blushed and walked back over to the pizza, taking a slice out and setting it on the plate. She walked over to the microwave and frowned again. "Why do you have to be 10 flippin' feet tall!? Can you please put this in the microwave?" Alyssa laughed. I chuckled and walked over and put her pizza in the microwave for a minute. Lucas walked into the kitchen and laid down in front of me. I looked over at the water bowl and saw it was empty. I grabbed the bowl filling it and setting it back in the corner of the kitchen. Alyssa walked out of the room and came back with all the animal's food bowls. She filled each with the food and set them in a row on the kitchen floor. She set Maverick's on the counter so he didn't get trampled. She went to the backyard and let in one animal at a time. Alyssa led each animal to his or her bowl and while she was getting the last few the microwave went off. "Alyssa! You'r pizza's ready!" I called. She walked in, leading the last few pets to their bowls. I handed her her pizza and then heated myself up some pizza. We went and ate in the family room while watching "Maleficent". Alyssa finished her food and set her plate on the coffee table right next to mine. About 3/4 way through the movie she fell asleep. I got up and pulled a blanket over her, turning the TV off. I took the plates to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. I picked up all the pets bowls and put them in the cupboard under the sink. I went back out to the couch to find that the 2 minutes I was gone the animals took up the couch. I couldn't actually see Alyssa under them all. But I knew she was there. I went upstairs to my bedroom and took a shower. After my shower I got on a pair of basketball shorts and got in bed, with a million thoughts running through my head. Like, what if I did abandon Alyssa? Would I be able to live with myself? I came to a conclusion right before I fell into a deep slumber. No...I would not be able to live without her.

Found and saved by Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now