Taking Her Home

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read the last part to remember and then you'll get it. :)

*Shawns POV*

That one hit her most.

The kids had now left her by the tree, a sobbing and choking mess.

        She went back to the tree that she had cut at and got out her blade. I ran over to her and took the blade. She started crying harder than she was and she fell to her knees. I threw the blade really hard and it went... only god knows where. I then bent down and hugged her, placing her fragile body in my lap and felt her tears soaking into my shirt and I was on the verge of tears now. "What's your name?" I softly asked her.""Alyssa"She more whispered then spoke but I still heard it. "Well if you would follow me back to my house, I can clean you up?" It turned out to be more a question than a statement. She shook her head "no". "I PROMISE I won't hurt you." She then got up and asked"Can my animals come?" I nodded my head yes because I really didn't mind. When we got back to my house I cleaned up her wrists and bandaged them up. They were just littered with scars and cuts. I asked her what happened to her animals and did she do it to them."No. I would never. I found Thunder left for dead in a cage with chains tightly locked around his ankles and stomach. Lucas was used for grey hound racing, he was going to get shot if he lost and I wasn't going to let that happen. Wolf,Storm and Lark were left for dead chained together. Delgato lost his sense of smell and Princess was shot... both police dogs. Marley was a military dog and Cooper was used in dog fighting. I also have a parrot named Maverick."She said flatly. "He's outside you window!" she screamed. I ran over to the window,so did she,  and opened it. A little orangy reddish parrot flew in... the same one from the tree.

{it all actually happened to all my real animals. STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!}

         He was really cute and he had a gun bullet wound in him

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         He was really cute and he had a gun bullet wound in him. "He was aim for military veterans. That's how he lost his wing." She said. She looked me straight in the eyes for the first time and that's when I saw her eyes."Your eyes!"I exclaimed."what about them?"She kinda retorted."They're two different colors!"I said."Oh... yeah,I know I'm disgusting." My heart just shattered at that."Your not disgusting! You're gorgeous!"I told her. My voice kinda raised and I could tell because she was looking down and slowly scooting away from me."Oh, no no no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell it's just... you are stunning. How old are you?"I quietly asked."13"She whispered. Wow,i could adopt her. "Where are your parents?"I asked "In jail"She said plainly. "Why!?"I asked. "Abuse"She said on the verge of tears. I wanted to cry now... but this was my chance, I can adopt this girl. "Can I adopt you?" I blurted out. She just looked at me with tears in her eyes and nodded her head "yes".   "YAAAYYYY!!!" I yelled and picked her up hugging her. She giggled and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Then I realized she literally weighed like... nothing. I took her to the bathroom and set her down on the scale."What are you doing?"She asked fear in her voice."Don't be scared,I'm weighing you. you're really light."I whispered."oh."she whispered back, looking down in disappointment. I put two fingers under her chin and made her look at me."If you think just because of your weight I'd leave you your wrong, your perfect." She smiled a small but genuine smile. I noticed how one of her eyes were green and the other blue. They were so pretty. And when she smiled, even that little smile, her eyes got a little brighter. When the scale beeped it said she was 12.6 pounds. She saw it and gasped. "What? Whats wrong?"I asked concern filling my voice. "I know I don't weigh much and you can get rid of me but I lost weight." She blurted. I gave her a sincere smile."I'm never leaving a cute little girl like you."I smiled a big smile and told her my plan.

"Hey Alyssa, I'm going to call the orphanage to adopt you, okay?"


Found and saved by Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now