Chapter eleven - A word from our sponsers

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(We interrupt the story of depress with some Logicality fluff, enjoy)

[Patton's POV](for once)

I stand in the kitchen, putting a tray of cookies into the oven. Ha, in the last chapter, you thought I was cooking dinner? You were wrong. I was just making cookies because I just wanted to eat half the thing of cookie dough. I can be cool too. I'm trying to be one of those cool and lit dads, ya know, saying yeet whenever someone gets thrown out of a window. Speaking of which- never mind.

Logan walks into the kitchen, the smell probably lured him in. I can't blame him.

"What are you making?" He asks, crouching down next to me and peering into the oven.

"Just some cookies!" I giggle. He gives me a confused look, but smiling.

"What's the special occasion?"

"Nothing! There's no wrong time to bake cookies!" We both stand up, still next to each other in front of the oven. I take my oven mitts off and put them on the stove. Logan smiles at me and my face turns a little red, but I smile back.

"I guess you're right." He admits. He pulls me forward and kisses my forehead. I grumble. It's not my fault I'm small!

"That's not fair!" I pout. I then pull him down towards me and plant a kiss on his lips. Reluctantly, he kisses back. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and Logan puts his hands on the back of my neck. My face is probably super red right now, but I don't mind, it's worth it. My eyes were closed when I first pulled Logan down to me. I look around and half expect to see Virgil just creepily watching us, but to my surprise he isn't.

Both me and Logan pull away. He puts his forehead on mine. Something doesn't feel right. I motion for Logan to be quiet. The whole house is silent, not even a creak of the floor. Usually, Virgil would put on loud music or a video, but I don't hear anything. That's strange.

"Is Virgil alright?" I ask, looking at Logan. This usually isn't normal. His loud music is what got me into the emo bands he listens to, like Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and a bunch more.

"You should probably go check on him." Logan replies, letting go of me so I can go. I nod and walk out of the room, and head up to Virgil's room. Once I'm at his door, it's apparently locked, which makes me a little more nervous.

"Virg? You in there kiddo?" I call into the room. No answer. "Virgil?" I get a nervous shiver down my spine. Is he in there? Did I do something? Am I just not there for him as much as I should be? I then use my back to open the door, and I see...

In My Heart (Sanders Sides AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ