Chapter six - My New Friend

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After art class, me and Roman walk to my locker. Both English and art were the most boring classes ever. It felt like they were switched. In English, we just watched a movie because the teacher wasn't here, and the substitute didn't know what to do, so we just watched Aladdin, a classic.
But me and Roman were prepared. We brought stuff to draw, and by the time class was over, we both had our own OC's. Each class is about one hour long, so we had plenty of time.
In art we were just learning about, "the vocabulary for art", even though everyone basically knows already. Apparently I found out that Roman also has a phone, so we exchanged numbers and information. Half the class wasn't paying attention either so we hit the target.
But the next class we're going to is the one I dreaded the most. Gym. I'm literally the palest and skinniest person you'll ever meet, so gym is not my thing.
Both me and Roman are at my locker while I grab my stuff for gym.
"Don't you have to get your stuff too, Princey?" I ask sarcasticly.
"Well, I wanted to wait for you." He explains in a playful tone.
"Just go get your stuff, I'll keep an eye out for you." I reply.
"Ok fine, just don't leave without me." He says before turning away and walking to his locker.
I pull out my black duffel bag with my clothes and stuff in it and close my locker, putting the lock back on. I'm glad that gym is the last class of the day, after I can just pack up and walk home.
I look around and in hopes of finding Roman. There are a bunch of students just roaming the halls. I try and push my way through them, but they give me dirty looks and I just keep my head down low. Once I reach an opening where there aren't as much students, I look around but don't spot Roman anywhere.
Suddenly, a pair of arms wraps around me in a hug, and I jump and try to punch the person.
"Whoa there, it's just me, Roman." He explains, holding my wrist so I can't punch him. Once I finally see that it's Roman, my face goes pale and I stop trying to fight him.
"Oh- uh- R-Roman! Uh- I'm soo sorry! I didn't-"
"Virgil, it's fine." Roman sighs, but is still smiling. He picks up his red string bag that he dropped on the ground and swings it over his shoulder. Roman then turns around and starts walking to the gym. I sigh before running to his side so we can walk to gym together.
When we enter the gym, the boys and girls are going to the locker rooms to change. Me and Roman follow the crowd of boys into the boys locker room. Out of the whole crowd, I'm probably the shortest one, which really bothers me. Suddenly, the guy in front of me turns around smirks at me.
"What's wrong, shorty? Is being the moon too much for you?" He jokes, other people around us giggle. My face heats up but I try and avoid eye contact. Me and Roman push our way through the crowd and into the locker room.
"Or maybe you're the sun, because no one wants to look at you directly." He shouts back. Roman puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that someone loves you- I mean, he's jealous because you have friends." Roman confesses. I give him this uncertain look at his mistake. He blushes in embarrassment.
"Y-You get my point." He stutters.
"ROMAAAAAAAAAAAAN! OMG GIRL IT HAS BEEN FOREVER!" A voice screams from behind us. I turn around and see a boy running towards Roman. He has a black leather jacket, with a pocket in the front with a pair of sunglasses folded inside them. His shirt is white with a small rainbow flag on it. He has gray jeans and maroon converse, and his bangs are dyed a magenta color.
Before I can do anything, he pushes me out of the way and I stumble back, falling right over.
"Oh! Hey Remy!" Roman replies. He then looks down at me and helps me up.
"Oh jeez girl, I'm so sorry about that, it's been like, a year since me and Mr. Daydream talked." The guy apparently named Remy appologizes.
"It's- no big deal," I reply, brushing myself off.
"Virg, this is Remy, Remy this is Virgil." Roman introduces. as he introduces us, the locker room is soon filled with all the boys getting dressed. I cringe and look back at the other 2.
"What's wrong girl?" Remy asks.
"I'm, not the most tannest or muscular person ever..." I mutter.
"Mmm, I'm not either, so I'm just gonna say I forgot my clothes."
"Speaking of clothes, we should get dressed." Roman steps in.
"I am not going to. I'm just going to tie my sweatshirt around my waist." I reply.
"Whatever Emo Nightmare." Roman teases.
"Thank you." I reply back, taking off my sweatshirt and tying it around my waist. Roman looks away and Remy just stares at my pale and skinny arms.
"I should put on my sunglasses, how are you that skinny, and pale?!" He admits.
I'm offended. I try my best.

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