Chapter two - The Meet

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After a few minutes of silence, my Papa pulls up to the front of the school. Groups of students are either hanging out outside or making their way into the school. But putting that aside, the school is huge for a high school. I stare at it in awe as my Papa snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Awwww you're so grown up I love you so much I don't want you to leaveeeeee" He squeals, pulling me into a hug and ruffling his hand into my purple hair. I try to push him away but he doesn't budge. The school bell soon rings and all the students hanging out outside make their way inside.
"Oh, the bell! Hurry up or you'll be late!" My Papa laughs, handing my bag to me as I open the car door and step out of it. I grab my bag and go to close the car door.
"Have a good day Virg! I love you!" He smiles brightly and waves.
I sigh. "I love you too, Papa." I reply back and slam the door before speed walking into the school. All the students already went inside so it's pretty easy to get inside.
Once I get inside, I'm blinded by red and white signs with the signature bear mascot everywhere. People really like to show off pride here.
The school is blasting with chattering students and teachers directing the students to where they need to go. But I go to the office to get my schedule and locker number and combination. Once I walk into the office, it is also decorated with banners and signs and happy students. The smell of coffee and sugar roams around the room, but I keep my head low.
Soon enough, the line of students gets shorter, and I'm next.
"Can I help you?" One of the teachers at the front desk asks.
"Um, I uh, I need my, schedule." I stutter. I get multiple looks from other students. They look at me then whisper to their friends. But I ignore it.
"Of course sweetheart, what is your name?" She asks.
"V-Virgil S-Sanders...." I say, keeping my voice down low.
"Ok, here you are, just let me print this." She mumbles, typing away on her keyboard. In a split second, two papers get printed out of a grey and white printer next to her and hands them to me.
"Have a great first day!" She says and smiles at me. I take the papers and try not to smile back.
"Thanks" I reply, and exit the office.

I walk to my destination, which is my locker, and keep my distance from anyone who walks near me.
I finally reach my locker and put in my combination, but my lock doesn't open. I try again, but still nothing. My anger starts kicking in as I try one more time, but once again, nothing. I pound my fist on my locker and groan. Suddenly, someone behind me puts their hand on my shoulder, and I flinch. I turn around to see a boy, taller than me, with the tips of his brown hair dyed red. His brown eyes sparkle with happiness, and he has a big bright smile across his face. He has a bit of freckles but not too much. His outfit isn't that overpowering, one of those red and white logos are on his white shirt, he has dark blue jeans and brown dress shoes. And about his tallness, he's like 6 inches taller than me. My face starts to heat up, but I can't do anything about it. I can't run away or say anything, I, don't know what's happening to me.
"Hey bud, you need some help with your locker?" He asks gently. I slowly nod as I move out of the way for him to get to my locker. He goes up to my locker and just fidgets with the locker for a minute. I stare at him under my hair so he doesn't see my stares.
He's so cute, wait, what am I thinking?! I can't like someone already! Just snap out of it Virg...
"Hello? Are you ok?" He asks, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Uh, um, uh... Wha-WHAT?!" I start panicking and getting nervous.
"I was just asking if you could give me your combination." He says.
"Oh, uh, yeah sorry" I reply. I look at the paper with my combination.
"23, 5, 6." I tell him. He spins the lock to each number.
"See, the trick is to spin it three times left to the first number, then spin it two time right to the next one, then spin it once to the left, then..." Click! The lock pops right open. He hands me the lock and gives me another smile. I slightly smile back to him.
"Th-thanks..." I blush.
"Anytime bud." He says and walks away.
I put my hand on my chest and feel my heart thumping. What is happening to me? Am I dying? Am I sick? Why is my face red?
I hold my lock in my hand and stare at it and imagine that boy's face.
I shake out of my thoughts and open my locker and put my bag in it. My schedule says I have homeroom, science, math, chorus, english- wait, chorus?! I didn't sign up for that!

Oof bye guys, lol idk what to say ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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