the one with the school.

Start from the beginning

I look up at my dad and he smiles. "They were your moms. She wanted to give them to you for your tenth birthday, but she ended up losing them." My heart starts beating quickly. "S-She liked sunflowers too?" He nods. "I figured that's why you're so obsessed with them." I close the box and hold it to my heart. My dad pulls me into a hug. We wave goodbye to the firefighters then my dad drives me to the park Gunner and I always hung out at. As my dad parks, I get out of the car and walk to our usual table.

What I see breaks every piece of my heart. Gunner was kissing the most popular girl in school. "Now that your whore of a girlfriend is gone," She traces his bare chest. "I can have you to myself." They make out a good minute until I can no longer stand it. A boulder launches itself in my throat and I hold in tears. "We're done, Gunner! Delete my number you dick!" I scream, stomping away and wiping the fallen tears. I hear faint yelling of him apologizing and calling my name but I don't listen. I run to the car.

As I get in, it takes everything in me not to burst into tears. "You okay love?" I nod. "I'm good, I just couldn't find him here, he's probably helping his mom, come on let's go," I say, keeping my voice as strong as possible. My dad nods slowly, driving back. By the time we get home, it's twelve. I say hi to Lee and Anna then race up the stairs. I don't slam my door, but it's hard enough to make the picture next to it shake. I kick my shoes off and jump into the middle of the bed. The tears just start coming.

How could he?! I saw a future with him. I-I even love him. I never got to say it, but now I'm glad I didn't. I saved my breath. I shouldn't be crying so hard. He's a piece of shit anyway. So why was I crying so hard? Because he was your everything. A little voice in my head kept saying. The tears keep coming. I cry for four hours. My head was throbbing. As I roll over, something pokes my thigh.

I pull out the small silver box. A pain strikes my heart and I start crying once more. My mom died when I was three. I never got to really know her. The fact these were hers and that she wanted to give them to me makes me unbelievably happy. But then the fact my mom had died starts killing me. I start crying harder.

No matter how long ago someone's death is, you'll never truly get over it. No matter how many therapists you see can change that. You'll always have the one voice saying 'she's gone.' I envy kids who can easily move on from a parent's death. I know I cried some when she died, but depression and everything really hit me around the ages twelve through fourteen. I'm much happier now, or well I was. Everything's falling apart. First my house, now Gunner. I no longer have any more friends. Stryder doesn't seem keen on becoming friends.

Gosh and all I'm doing about it is sitting here, crying. As I decide to use the bathroom, my door bursts open. "Dinner," Stryder says before making eye contact. I'm sure my eyes are red and puffy and I look like a mess. His face changes to worry for a split second, then it's instantly back to his usual scowl. "You coming?" He asks. I nod slowly. He nods slowly then leaves. I run to the bathroom, grabbing some ibuprofen, this headache is unbearable. I splash some cold water onto my face. It still looks like I was stung by a bee on both eyelids but I had an excuse.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I hear footsteps behind me. I shake my head, knowing it was Stryder. I stop mid-step and he runs right into my back. As I hear him grunt I let out a small laugh. "Glad to know my pain is funny to you," I smirk and continue my walk down to the kitchen. As I walk in, all three adults look at me instantly. "Oh, honey, what happened?" I start panicking. Stryder comes in behind me. As he sits down he sees my face. "She tripped on her bedpost, it must've been a bad fall because I could hear the thud from my room." He says, starting to eat. They look at him then back at me.

I quickly fake a laugh then nod. I take the empty seat next to Stryder and I start eating my food. When all the adults are distracted, I lean closer to Stryder. "T-Thank you," I mumble. He turns his head to look down at me. "Don't mention it," He grumbles. I shake my head smiling. "Katherine, Stryder, we have something to tell you guys," We both look up at Anna with worried looks. Our dads' smirk. "Well, Katherine needs to go to school. She can't go all the way to her old school, so we enrolled her at your school Stryder. You could show her around, introduce her to your friends?" My fork makes a thud as it drops onto my plate. Stryder's does the same.

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