




"... okay, fine. Let's head over to the drive-through."

Two seconds into stomping on the hard pavement of the drive-through, the sound of a camera flashing sliced through the air. We immediately whipped around toward the area of that sound, but saw nothing but sidewalk, buildings, and bushes.

Peril and I looked at each other.

"Well," I said. "No big deal, right? It's probably just some guy from school who wanted to mess around-"

Peril paled. "It'd better not be," she whispered. "Clay, do you understand how terrible that would be? My reputation as an awesome, all-around prankster and class clown will be demolished to noting but crumbles of dirt."

"Hey, that's the most intellectual and profound thing I've ever heard you say."

"Excuse me?" she snapped. "How dare you insult-"

"That wasn't me," I replied. "Whoever said that came from the direction from where the picture was taken."

"You've got that right," the bushes rustled a little, this time to reveal a person stepping out. She stomped her foot two times on the ground, then took off her hoodie, revealing a head full of messy blue hair sitting above two sharp green eyes.

"Oh, Tsunami," I said awkwardly. "Hey, what's ... up? Want some dried mangoes? They're sort of well, dry, from being in my pocket but they're really-"

"Sure!" she said.

The moment Tsunami got hold of the mango, she immediately dug into her own pocket and pulled out a piece of seaweed. Then she broke the seaweed into shredded, confetti-like pieces and sprinkled them over the mango slice, delicately nibbling the food as if it was some high class gourmet dish.

Peril and I stared at her with open jaws. 

"What?" Tsunami asked. She chewed in silence for a minute, then swallowed. "Anyway, Peril, I'd like to say that I'm sorry for ... uh ... the incident between us. It was clearly Darkstalker. So, yeah ... once more, my apologies." She looked at us guiltily, head slightly hanging down. "All forgiven, please?"

"All forgiven ..." Peril muttered darkly. Her fist clenched, shaking in a wild, uncontrollable fashion. "All forgiven?!" A fire blazed in her pupils as she stormed over, upping Tsunami against the McDonald's door. 

Tsunami paled. Her lip trembled. Oh no, was she going to cry? "I ... uh ... I'm really sorry-"

"How dare you eat dried mango slices with seaweed? Any normal idiot would put hot sauce on it, topped in paprika!" Peril roared. She smirked, and let go of Tsunami before a genuine smile appeared on her face. "All forgiven."

The two girls eyed each other, both wearing relieved grins. It was about two minutes in when another voice from another clump bushes whispered, in a low, almost perverted-like voice:

"The BROTP is real."

That voice proceeded to speak in an octave higher. "It's true, Tsunami and Peril. You guys are so close. Like, Riptide and Clay may be your boyfriends but they're just your boyfriends. They shrink down to the size of ants when compared to you two together."

Tsunami raised an eyebrow at the bush. "My god, Glory. Were you there the entire time? How could you stand hiding in that bush for such a long time when you constantly fuss when your shirt has an itchy tag?"

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