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Hey, guys?" My parents both looked up at me as I stood in the door way. "I want to tell you guys something.

"Okay, what's going on?" Mom asked, moving over on the couch to make room for me.

I took a deep breath and looked at my hands. "Remember Harry? From camp?"

"Yeah, you guys kept texting, didn't you?"

I nodded. "We weren't just best friends, we were dating and I really liked him," I rushed out. "And he moved here at the beginning of the year and I still really like him."

I didn't look up and they stayed quiet for a few seconds. I started internally panicking, worried that they weren't going to agree to the situation.

"I should have told you before but-"

"Louis," Dad said, stopping my ramble before it really began. I looked up at him and he smiled while shaking his head. "It's okay. It's fine."

"With the way you went on about Harry when you first got back made us think something had happened, but we weren't going to question you until you were ready to tell us." Mom rubbed my arm and I turned my attention to her. "Are we going to meet him soon?"

I nodded. "Yeah, whenever you want."

"What time is it?" Mom asked.

"Its like four, why?" I asked.

"Invite him over," Dad said.

"Wait, seriously?" I looked back and forth between them. They both nodded so I stood up and went up to my room, closing the door behind myself.

I pulled out my phone and called Harry, pacing the room while I waited for him to answer.

"Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, how may I take your order?" Harry asked in a stupid voice. I laughed and shook my head.

"Only you would do that," I commented with a wide smile. "But I has a request."

"Which is?" Harry asked.

"Come over and meet my parents?" I paused for a second, then added "As my boyfriend?"

"You told them?" Harry asked happily. "When do you want me to come over."

"Whenever. They told me to invite you over so, come over," I demanded.

"I'm on my way," he laughed. "I'll be there soon."

"Okay, cool. See you soon."

We hung up and I smiled to myself, walking back into the hallway after slipping my phone into my pocket. I saw Liam and grabbed his arm before he went into his room. "Harry's coming over."

Liam smiled. "Good. Mom and Dad will love him, don't worry."

"I'm not. Thank you for not saying anything," I told him. He just smiled a bit more and hugged me.

"Let me know when he's here, cool?" I nodded and went downstairs while Liam went into his room.

It only took about fifteen minutes for Harry to get to the house. I opened the door for him and he hugged me as soon as the door was closed.

"I missed you," I mumbled against his neck.

"I missed you too, love," Harry said, kissing the side of my head. I laced our fingers and lead him to the living room where my parents were talking about something until my dad spotted Harry.

"So you're the one Louis kept going on about," my mom greeted cheekily. "I'm Jay. And this is Louis' father, Dan."

Harry smiled and I leaned into him as one of his arms encircled my waist "I'm Harry. It's wonderful to finally meet you guys."

"Likewise," My mom agreed. I pulled Harry onto the couch, one of my hands now covered by both of his. "How do you like living here?"

Harry smiled. "It's been pretty great. Especially when I found out Louis lived here too."

The conversation was light and easy. If Harry ever felt uncomfortable during the whole thing, he never showed it. He answered all of their questions and asked some of his own. Liam came down and started talking to us as well.

Harry looked at me, then Liam, like he wanted to ask something, and I barely glanced at Liam before Liam was answering the unspoken question.

"I read minds," Liam said. "Louis actually did a pretty good job of trying to keep me out of your head along with his, I have to say."

I rolled my eyes. "You agreed not to do it in the first place."

Liam raised his hands in surrender before returning to his original position. "What can you do, Harry?"

"I can turn invisible. It used to be really funny when I was a kid and got in trouble. I lived by the I can't see you, you can't see me thing, but you couldn't actually see me." I smiled and looked up at Harry.

It was a common thing with kids with abilities. Most of the time they had a grip on it as a kid, but then when the warnings and searches started getting put into place, they stopped using them for protection. But we couldn't just not use them. The longer the abilities got neglected, the more random and erratic they became.

It was a horrible balance, trying to keep hidden along with using the ability so that you wouldn't give yourself away. It was easy for mental abilities, and harder for physical.

We talked for a little longer before Harry and I went for a walk, our hands laced together. "That went better than I expected."

I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I talked about you a lot, it was easy to tell you mean a lot to me."

Harry stopped walking and pulled me closer to him. "You mean a lot to me."

He kissed me and I smiled, lacing my fingers behind his neck. "I'm so glad you're here."

We kept walking for a while longer until my phone started ringing. Harry and I paused while I answered the call. "Hey, Li."

"Home now," he demanded. "Searchers-"

"Got it. Heading home now." I tugged on Harry's hand and motioned back the way we came. "How bad is it?"

"Bad enough we're not going to school tomorrow." I could hear that the t.v. was on in the back ground but I couldn't make out what was being said. "How far are you?"

"Like maybe ten minutes. We're gonna be okay."

I heard Liam groan. "They can stop anyone for any reason. Get here as soon as you can."

We hung up. "Searchers are here and they can stop us for no reason."

"Fuck, that's not good." I looked at Harry and he had his lip between his teeth. "Should I-?"

"You two," someone called, making Harry and I both freeze. I turned my head over my shoulder as they walked closer to us. "Step apart from each other."

I almost told them to fuck off until I saw the badge on her shirt. "Fuck."

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