"Hello?" He questioned waiting to hear his older brothers voice.

"Jesus Christ I didn't think it was gonna be you." Willie said with a slight groan.

"Willie? What the hell man, I'm waiting for a call." Lex complained in his thick British accent. "I'm gonna end the call now mate." He said going to hang up.

"Wait Lex no!" Willie shouted, Lex sighed and brought the phone back to his ear.

"What?" He asked snappily.

"I need you to do something for me." Willie said hesitantly.

"And what is that?" He asked curiously.

"I need you to take care of Edith for me. I need you to be there for her." He said.

Lex wouldn't be his first pick but he was the one who answered the phone, and he couldn't wait to see if anyone else picked up. It might've been too late.

"Is she still talking?"

There was a slight pause before Lex responded,

"Yeah, she is."

"And how is she doing? Is she okay?" Willie questioned, he wondered if she even knew he was missing with everything going on. "Does she know I've gone?"

"She's okay, little angry at times, but she's Edith Fell so what do you expect?" Lex half heartedly chuckled.

"Does she know I've gone?" Willie repeated again. He hated that he had asked, but he had to know.

"Not yet. I don't think anyone's got the balls to tell her. You two became close and I don't think any of us were expecting it." Lex said with a small smile.

He never talked to Edith much but she did care about Willie, that much was clear.

"Okay, if she asks, or when someone tells her I want you to find her and tell her that I'm happy, and that I left because she needs to learn how to be independent and that she can count on herself, and tell her that I believe in her."

Willie got choked up on the other end of the line and had to squeeze his eyes shut to remind him not to burst into tears.

"Tell her I believe in her." He said again to really put emphasis on the sentence, it meant the most to him and she needed to hear it.

"Are you okay man?" Lex questioned hearing Willie's sniffles.

"Yeah. Promise me Lex, promise me you will take care of her." Willie said clearing his throat, he tried to play off the pain it was causing him but it was more than obvious to Lex.

"I promise. Stay safe Willie." Lex said before ending the call.


"I'm not leaving you." Edith said sadly, she didn't want Marcus to be on his own.

"Please E." He offered her a small sad smile.

"Marcus-" Edith didn't know what to say, she knew she couldn't convince him to let her go downstairs, he cared too much about her.

So instead of talking she did what she used to do best, show how she felt and she did that by cupping his face and pulling her body up to his. Their lips met in a small yet meaningful kiss, a few seconds of what felt like heaven.

"I love you Edith Fell." Marcus whispered and quickly left to run down stairs. Lex started firing, drawing the attention away from Marcus.

"Chester invited the other one, the sweet tits."

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