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Edith walked into the house with Marcus and Billy

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Edith walked into the house with Marcus and Billy. She heard the blaring music from down the road.

As soon as she walked in, she was hit with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. She saw Shabnam already cleaning up the mess that people had made.

"E, You want a drink?" Marcus questioned Edith. She hadn't been called that in a long time. It felt strange, but she nodded with a small smile.

"Who gets to see my penis tonight?" Lex questioned as they walked into the living room, Marcus' hand rested on the small of Edith's back.

"Oh, so the sores cleared up." Billy questioned.

"No." Lex said quickly.

He threw cans to Marcus, Billy and Edith, even though she still had her drink from earlier.

"Ah, look who's gracing us with her legacy presence." Lex said as Saya took the Can off beer from his grip. "And in public, no less."

"Different rules outside of school." Saya shrugged.

"Shit, is that Shabnam's old man?" Marcus questioned leaning towards Billy.

"No, sells herb to the Hessians. Probably a pederast." Billy explained.

"Oh, let's go make friends with him." Marcus smiled.

"I'm not getting buggered for a joint again." Lex shook his head.

"You'll come right E?" Saya, Lex and Billy all watched closely, mainly to see how she'd react to the nickname. Edith pursed her lips and nodded.

"Ah gravity bong, nice." Marcus said as he walked over to them. "You guys need help smoking that weed?" Edith stood by and watched Marcus with a little smile playing on her lips.

He was... different.

"What are you talking about, man? Gravity bong? It's a water bong." The guy corrected.

"Well, no, a water bong is just a bong. You push that down using gravity." Marcus explained.

"It's not gravity, dude. It's pressure. Trying to school me. Rookie." The guy said. Edith chuckled as Marcus made his way back to her.

"You think that's funny?" He raised his brows as he glanced at the girl.

She looked beautiful, she wore high waisted black shorts and a white cropped spaghetti strapped top. She nodded.

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