“N-Niall? Can you come pick me up please?” I sniffed.

I gave him direction and descriptions of where I was hoping he would be here quickly.

I soon saw Niall pull up in a taxi and quickly run out when he saw me.

“Katie!” he shouted as he hugged me tightly.

“I-I can’t believe he did that to me!” I sobbed into his chest.

“The bastard” Niall muttered under his breath.

I figured that when Zayn had gotten back he had told them all what happened, which was even more humiliating to me, I bet he was boasting about how good at kissing Perrie was.

Niall slowly led me to the car and the whole ride home I was pressed against the car door looking outside the window watching the scenery go by until we got to the hotel.

Niall slowed the car down and glanced over at me giving me a sad smile, I smiled back at it but he could tell it was fake. I got out of the car and walked over to the other side of the car while Niall put his arm around my shoulder, holding me to him and lead me into the hotel. We went into the elevator and I attempted to wipe my face of any tears or makeup that had run down my face. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to our floor. As soon as the doors opened I could hear two deep voices shouting at each other. I cautiously stepped out of the elevator with Niall by my side and looked out into the corridor.  Two heads snapped in our direction and their eyes widened.

Harry was looking furious but when his eyes landed on me his face softened and gave me a genuine smile, somehow that big, cheesy grin lifted my spirits a bit. Zayn on the other hand, I couldn’t even face myself to make eyecontact with him.

“Katie?” Zayn whispered, as if he couldn’t believe I was actually here.

I felt the urge to cry again as I felt my vision blur again slightly. Unfortunately for me, those two were blocking my path to my room. Oh crap. I suddenly remembered that, of course, I had been sharing a room with Zayn. Where am I going to sleep now?

Harry seemed to realise my sudden pause and stepped towards me and whispered in my eye, presumably so Zayn wouldn’t be able to hear.

“Don’t worry about the room, you can stay in mine” his voice seemed so calming.

I looked up at him and smiled whilst giving him a grateful hug. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me past Zayn, I noticed giving him a slight shove on the way, and down to his room. As Harry shut the door behind him he turned round to face me.

“Thank you Harry, this means a lot” I smiled as much as I could, which after tonight’s events looked like a grimace.

“It’s no problem, I’m sorry….you shouldn’t have had to go through that” Harry hugged me to him.

Without realizing it, I sobbed into Harry’s shirt, the image of the blonde and my boyfriend’s lips meeting passionately.

Harry rubbed my back soothingly and informed me “The girls are all in Lucy’s room. They know, I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to tell them, but umm…basically when I was shouting at Zayn…erm they kinda overheard…” Harry trailed off.

I laughed lightly “it’s fine.”

“Come on, let’s have some fun with the fans on twitter” Harry said, changing the subject and signalling over to his laptop.

I nodded happily and went and sat on the bed while he brought up his profile on twitter, I noticed he was smirking while getting the mouse and ‘subtly’ making a circle around the number of followers he had. My eyes bulged.

“6 million!? Jesus Harry!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, It’s nothing” Harry stated sarcastically, winking.

His face looked down at the keys in concentration then he looked at the screen with a smile on his face, looking proud. I looked in the tweet box and read what he had written.

@Harry_Styles: Anyone else think @MalikgangUK should change her name to @StylesgangUK?

I burst out laughing “Trust me Harry, I’m pretty sure that’s already taken!”

Harrys eyes went wide for a second, then went back to the computer and typed in the ‘search’ twitter bad @StylesgangUK, unsurprisingly it came up with an account, their picture was Harry face in a gif winking at the camera. My laughter exploded after that. Harry quickly tweeted them.

@Harry Styles: @StylesgangUK Oops, sorry! :-) x

Harry also clicked the follow button, aww he’s so cute to his fans!

“That girl is gonna have a seizure when she sees her mentions now!” I laughed.

Harry shrugged slightly and then I noticed he got his phone out and put it on the camera setting. “Cmere!” he said.

I nudged closer to him and smiled for the camera, sticking my tongue out slightly I heard the click and looked at the picture, I laughed at how silly I looked while Harry’s eyes were wide and he was smiling hugely. He uploaded it to twitter smirking at me.

“What! You can’t upload that, I look ridiculous!” I complained.

“Well, that’s what makes you beautiful!” Harry smirked laughing at his own joke.

I sighed and leaned back on the bed sighing in exasperation when it hit me, a few months ago I would never think I would be sitting next to Harry Styles on a bed! I fangirled inside a little.

Harry noticed me drifting off slightly and he whispered “Nighty Night Kay Kay!”

I chuckled at his new nickname and waved at him slightly before shutting my eyes.

I think I was unconscious for a few minutes before there was a loud knock on the door…it wouldn’t stop. I looked over at Harry and he was giving the door evils.

I could guess who was on the other side….

Hello beautiful readers!!! Okay so before you leave please read this. I know i have been the WORST uploader ever...i've kind of drifted away from writing these last couple of weeks and i apologize for that :( But i wanted to get this chapter finished, so here it is! Unbetad and all ahah :) Thank you for staying reading this even though uploads are irregular and all that shiz. Please leave a comment if you want me to continues with this story because i dont know if i should or just leave it....?

LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH AND SORRY :( Also, my new thing is Youtube so....if you check my channel out and maybe even subscribe i will love you for ever (link is at side!!UnorthodoxFML) , also tweet me on twitter at @malikgangUK , yes i used me characters one -_- ahha i will follow back :) xx

bye bye bye bye bye bye xxx

Katie xx

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