Chapter Ten.

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I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember...


“Can do what ?” – I jumped.

Ben was leaning against the door frame.

“Thanks for scaring me, Bennie.”

He closed the door and sat next to me. – “What’s going on, Car? You seem lost.” - He closed the door behind him.

“You know damn well what is going on…” – I growled.

“Oh…" - He walked over to the bed and sat next to me. - "You have to let him go, Car. This is not doing any good to you.”

“I know… But I’ve spent these last few days without thinking of him. And, all of a sudden he comes back haunting me and ruins everything.” – I covered my face with my hands.

“Do you know what that means ? It means that you’re afraid of falling for somebody else. And why, do you ask? Because you’re afraid that the same thing that happened with you will happen to Louis. After all, you don’t want to lose him as your friend. You can’t live like this, Car. You have to realize you need to get over him, immediately.” – He hugged me. – “Why don’t you try with Harry?”

“That’s the problem right there! I don’t know how to feel anymore! Ever since I started going out with Harry, him and I have been having these… moments. And it makes me feel weird, I keep being pulled to him. But then I remember Louis and I run away. I notice that Harry gets a little bit mad when I do so, but I can’t do anything about it. I’m confused.”

“You have to decide, Car. I’ve been talking to Louis and the only thing he can speak of is Eleanor. Harry, on the other hand, I can’t even mention your name he blushes and smiles like an idiot. And I know he is jealous of you. Whenever you’re with Matt, Louis… Even with Niall, Liam and Zayn who only hug you when they see you!”

“I never noticed. Some people say this, others say that… God, I don’t know what to do!” – I groaned.

“Go out with Harry. If you feel attracted to him, or if you get a sign that gives you that certainty, go ahead. Louis is a lost cause.”

I hugged him. – “Thank you Bennie.”

“You’re welcome, Car.” – He smiled. – “Now go! That boy can’t sit still, he’s so nervous!” – That made me laugh.

Ben walked with me to the living room and Harry was sitting on the couch tapping his foot. Mary was in the kitchen.

As soon as he saw me, Harry got up and smiled from ear to ear.

“Sorry it took so long…” – I couldn’t help but notice his dimples. He was so adorable.

My God, Carrie stop!

“Eh, it was worth it.” – He stared at me from top to bottom. – “You look beautiful! When I told you to look nice, I was only joking. But you took it seriously.”

“I don’t play games when it comes to dressing nice.” – I laughed.

Harry took me to this really fancy restaurant. We talked a bit more about our lives ever since I left. Every now and then, Harry held my hand, smiled a bit too shyly and stared at my eyes.

On the way to the car, I shivered due to the cold and he put an arm around my shoulders to warm me up.

We got to the bar and the curly haired boy helped me getting out of the car. I didn’t even know what was going on until I felt myself being trapped between his body and the car. He was staring at my lips, biting on his own.

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