25. The Golden Boy

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Pansy didn't bother me anymore for the rest of the evening and my bed was still as fresh as it had been in the morning. That night, I had the best sleep I'd had the entire week.

I got up well-rested for a change, but still in time to put on my much-needed make-up. The ink was still as visible as it had been a few days ago. I hope it won't take too long to grow off...

When I'd finished my morning routine, there was still some time to fill before breakfast. I decided to write the letter to Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Eric. I focused on all the great things of course; Tracey, flying, finding out that Aunt Jeanie and I are related to McGonnagal. I deliberately left out Draco and Pansy. I didn't want to go into that kind of drama.

After breakfast I went to the Owlery again. It helped that I could climb the stairs at my own pace now and I was quite convinced my head was a few shades less red when I arrived at the top.

Again, the view from the Owlery was stunning, even in the morning. As it was still quite early, there was a light fog that covered the lake and the surrounding mountains. I halted to enjoy the serenity of it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and looked at the most handsome boy I'd ever seen. Perhaps he was even better looking than Blaise.

He was tall and well-built, with a perfectly chiselled face. His unruly, dark hair highlighted his grey eyes, which had a kind expression.


"It is," I agreed. He joined me at the balustrade and we enjoyed the view together for a moment with the owls softly hooting in the background. I remembered it hadn't been that long ago that I'd stood here with someone else...Well, if it comes to kissing again, I will definitely not let any past memories interfere this time!

"I often come here to enjoy the scenery. It's so quiet up here, it makes it easier to think, you know?" the mysterious stranger said.

"I know what you mean. It's even better at night, with the moonlight reflecting on the lake," I said.

"That sounds beautiful, I should try that sometime," he smiled. He had the most beautiful smile. I suddenly realised something.

"Uhm...would you mind helping me? I want to send a letter, but I have no idea how to get the owl to carry it to my Aunt and Uncle."

"Of course, no problem!" he said. Oh my god, his eyes were so beautiful. He reached for one of the brown school owls. I handed him the letter and he showed me how to attach it to the owl's foot.

"Just tell it where to go, it'll know," the boy said and handed me the owl.

"Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Eric, Mentmore Terrace in London," I told the owl. Needless to say, I felt super ridiculous. The owl seemed to understand me, though, as it flew away immediately afterwards. Or at least I hope it understood.

"Thanks," I said to the boy.

"Don't worry about it. You're that Slytherin girl who was sorted into Gryffindor first, right?" Ugh, do you really have to remind me? I still wasn't sure that it'd been the best decision.

"Interesting choice, Slytherin. You seem nicer than most, though," he continued without waiting for an answer.

"They're not all bad," I said, thinking of Tracey and Astoria. And perhaps Draco, once you got to know him.

"Nice or not, we'll beat you at the next Quidditch match, though," he winked. He just winked at me! Oh my god, crush alert!

His name was Cedric Diggory and apparently he was one of the most popular boys at Hogwarts, a fifth year Hufflepuff and Seeker of their Quidditch team (hence his reference to the Quidditch match, I suppose). Tracey couldn't stand him.

"He's a good Seeker, much better than ours," she said, rolling her eyes. As our Seeker was Draco, I could see what she meant. Apparently, Draco's father had bought the whole team new brooms so they'd let Draco on the team. Typical.

After Tracey finished her rant on Draco's ineptitude as a Seeker and as a person in general, she proceeded with a monologue on her favourite Quidditch team: the Holyhead Harpies.

I listened to her with great pleasure, her enthusiasm was contagious. We were lying in the grass near the lake, enjoying the late summer sun. It was a welcome change after spending several hours in the library, doing homework.

Eyes closed, I thought about how much I'd changed these past few months, ever since I found my Aunt. Meeting her had made me feel more complete, accepted. It had made me more serious about my life and future. Of course, finding out I'm a witch definitely helped too. It's so much more interesting to study if what you're learning actually makes sense.

"Hey, sleepy head, are you still listening?" Tracey threw a cauldron cake in my face.

"Hmmm...yummy. Thanks!" I grinned. I ripped open the wrapper and took a big bite. "So..." I started with my mouth full. "When will I see your Quidditch skills in practice?"

"You'll have to be patient, dear Ev. The first match won't be until November," Tracey replied, munching on a liquorice wand.

"Ugh, that's still so long!"

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