The Marvelous Encounter

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"A bit lower, Alpha... Ah-"

"My King!" His eyes immediately went towards the most talkative Pokémon he currently owned. Eleanor could easily talk for everyone in the group if given the chance. "I want to explore!" It was her easy-going nature that always made Ash smile. It made his day just by hearing the misadventures of his Venonat, hearing and watching her interactions with the others. Especially with Evelyn, which always managed to reign in the talkative Pokémon. "Maybe even soak a bit!" He was about to answer her demands. It wasn't a question either, whatever she wanted to do, she would do so. He still clearly remembers when she got injured just for her own curiosity. "Or maybe we could go hiking!" He laughed softly against his palm, especially when he felt Ambrose covering his ears in irritation. "We could even-"

"You can explore, Eleanor..." He had to interrupt his excitable Pokémon, which only gained him a chirp of happiness from her. He had to sigh, relenting to her constant questions. But even with the sigh escaping from his lips, he had a smile on his face. Just knowing that with such simple requests he was able to make his Pokémon happy, was enough for him to accept in the first place. He even watched as Eleanor jumped happily away from the group, her eyes wandering from side to side. "But stay in the area! We are eating shortly!"

"Yes~!" He sighed in relief, almost fearing that she had not listened to his later words. But she, thankfully, did hear them; which made him relax a bit more. He just looked down towards Ambrose, his hand going once again towards his left ear. It immediately made him purr in satisfaction, which only made him relax a bit more. He looked up, staring how Evelyn had quickly positioned herself on the lowest branch of the tree; how Diana hanged underneath the same position Evelyn was; and just how Aaron began to meditate. All his Pokémon were relaxing, exactly what he wanted. All he hoped was that Eleanor would not bring them trouble for the time being.

--- --- ---

Eleanor was happily jumping left and right, her eyes detecting every single movement around her. It was a sight to see, watching every detail around her was something she relished in. She barely got to see all the things she had seen because of her closed off upbringing. The facility she was in only had the bare minimum. So just being able to see all of this, was more than what she hoped for. She only was able to see such things when she was training with the trainer of her mother, an amazing trainer from what her mother told her when she was not training.

Her mind had already decided that her king was a thousand times better than her mother's trainer, but she knew that her mother would say otherwise. She could be quite stubborn when she wants to be. And from what her mother's friends told her, it was something that she inherited from her mother. She could only shrug off the memory, her eyes refocusing on the things around her. Yet it was then that her antennae twitched slightly. She immediately reacted to her senses, looking to the side as she saw something on the water. Her eyes locked with beady red eyes that were looking at her in awe and curiosity.

"A new friend?!" She excitedly exclaimed, which made whoever was looking at her sink underwater again. She jumped as fast as she could, letting the soft breeze carry her over to the edge of the river. Falling leaves obstructed her sight for mere moments, yet she easily was able to move around them and seek out her objective. But as soon as she got to the edge, she couldn't see the one who had been looking at her. "Friend, where are you?!" She kept pressuring whoever was the one looking at her, trying to find her new friend with her excitement. Thankfully, it was not long before she saw those beady red eyes once more. Which only made her chirp in glee looking at the appearance of her new friend. "You are just like me!"

The one looking at her was a reptilian Pokémon with a white serpentine body and a light gray underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a light gray bump on its forehead, which is its horn growing. Above its round, white snout are oval, red eyes. This is a Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon.

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