Ash vs. Daisy: Seel-ing the Victory

Start from the beginning

"I'm Ash... And yes, can you check on my Pokémon?" He asked, his eyes overlooking his Poké Balls for a sec. He was worried about them, especially about Diana since she had just gotten cured by the Nightmare that had afflicted her. He wanted to know that there was no residual effect from the move that had made her suffer. He knew that Nightmare's effect often went away when a Pokémon woke up from their sleep, but he just wanted to make sure. "My Zubat suffered from Nightmare for quite some time, and I want to make sure that she is alright"

"Of course!" Ash smiled slightly, his eyes showing just how thankful he was towards the nurse of Cerulean City. He watched her grab the Poké Ball and place them on a metallic work table, seeking the help from her Chansey. He watched the Chansey happily close in on the object, grabbing it by the handles and pushing the table away. The nurse softly chuckled, her eyes looking at Ash one last time before following her Pokémon to the back of the building. "We'll be right back"

He then sighed, turning around to wait in the lobby while Joy attended to his Pokémon. While walking around, he noticed a poster on one of the many pillars of the building. Walking closer to it, Ash could see that the poster was about a water ballet show. Ash did raise a brow looking at the location of the show, the poster saying that the show was taking place in the Gym building of Cerulean City. It made him question the reasoning why they started to do so in the first place. But it was not his problem, the Gym Leaders obviously had various jobs. It was something he learned thanks to his uncle, who actually owned various buildings across Kanto.

"Ash?" He blinked, his eyes focusing once again. He looked behind, looking at the nurse behind the desk. He watched as the Chansey slowly moved the Poké Balls from the working table to the desk. He must have been staring at the poster for a few minutes, at least. But he didn't seem to mind. He walked towards the nurse, his mind thinking of a few strategies he could use to battle against the Gym Leader. The poster even told him everything he needed to know. "Here you go! All your Pokémon are as healthy as they could be!"

"Thank you, Nurse Joy!" He picked his belongings, clipping the five Poké Balls on his belt. Giving the nurse one last smile before he started to walk to the nearby inn. He could have rented a room in the Center, but those rooms were mostly used for when the city was hosting a tournament. So he had to go to the nearest inn to rent a room for the night. He had a reason to strategize before going to the Gym building. He knew that it was a Water-Type Gym, and that gave him the advantage that he needed.

He walked, the inn not too far from the Center. He needed to prepare, to discuss everything with his Pokémon. They needed a way that would ensure their victory. They couldn't lose, not when his own freedom was on the line. He didn't want to go to the institution, his uncle had been forcing him to assist ever since he told him that he wanted to be a Pokémon Master. He couldn't allow his uncle to rule over his life. The thing he wanted most in life was his freedom, and he would do anything he could do to keep it.

The process of renting a room went by quickly, his focus being elsewhere. He just answered what he needed to, nothing more and nothing less. He was following the male that was assisting him right now, the innkeeper showing him his room for the night. Ash looked down a bit, his focus returning only to see the key of the room already in his hands. He sighed, glancing at the door with the key in hand. He opened it, the young trainer immediately entering the room and making himself comfortable on the bed. He didn't know what to do, a bit early for any kind of strategy to be made with his Pokémon. He needed to go to the Gym later today, waiting for the show to finish before trying to challenge the leader to a fight.

"Maybe I should call the professor..." Ash muttered, activating his Pokétch and searching for the video call setting it was supposed to have. He needed to know if he knew about any more specifics about the trait his Pokémon have. He didn't even know if they needed special treatment, and he definitely didn't want to overlook something that could end up being dangerous towards his Pokémon. He needed to know everything. So, after a few rings coming from his Pokétch, the video activated and showed him the professor smiling at him.

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