The Cave of the Moon

Start from the beginning

"Please... Understand that we don't want to harm you, young trainer" The Zubat from earlier continued, earning a raised brow from Ash. He would have believed in the Bat Pokémon if it was him alone, but with almost forty other Zubat around him and his Pokémon. He had a hard time believing the words of the Zubat in question. "Even with all of us here"

"Ok..." He was unsure, his voice was proof of it. He wanted to believe that the surrounding colony of Zubat was not there to attack them. But as there were bad humans, there will be bad Pokémon. And while bad Pokémon were mostly accompanied by bad trainers, he knew that Pokémon personality also played a role in the Pokémon's attitude. "Then... What do you need help with?"

"Our leader, she is in grave danger!" Ash moved his face to the right, looking at a small Zubat. His wings were a bit shorter, probably because of its size compared to the others. He could see just how fast paced the movements of his wings were compared to the other Zubat. "We don't know what is wrong with her"

"We have even tried to seek help from other trainers, but their first instinct is to attack us first!" Ash could only nod, knowing that most people wouldn't even understand them at all. It was some sort of miracle that he decided to venture through Mount Moon. Every trainer was used to attacking wild Pokémon to be able to grow stronger. "But... You were the first to actually listen to us! Thank you!"

"Oh..." He was actually surprised by the words from the Zubat in question. He felt happy knowing that he may be able to help them in some sort of way. But even though he knew that he should still stay vigilant, he may never know what may happen from now till then. Anything was possible in his mind right now. "There is no need to-"

"Young trainer... If I can be so bold to ask..." Ash stared back at the Zubat that he was going to fight. He looked at the Zubat, who was now resting on top of a large boulder. It was kind of weird looking at a Zubat resting its wings while not being upside down, but Ash could understand that this was a serious conversation. "Just how are you able to understand us?"

"Well... Apparently I'm an Aura Guardian'' His words echoed through the cave, making each Pokémon look at him with what appeared to be shocked expressions. The funniest one was the expression of Evelyn, who was looking at him with the lower part of her beak hanging loosely in the air. He even saw just how she quickly looked at his other Pokémon, who already knew that he was an Aura Guardian, with a questioning stare. He found it hilarious when her feathers rattled on their own. Though he did feel himself be pushed slightly, a couple of the Zubat pushed him forward.

"Lord Guardian! Please, you are our only hope!" Many Zubat screeched at the same time, making Ash chuckle hesitantly. He never had considered himself as someone of importance, so just seeing how every Pokémon reacted to him being an Aura Guardian was sort of hilarious. He did not seek to further his fame just by proclaiming what he really was. He just wanted to be an ordinary trainer that would someday become the best there will ever be. "Help us!"

"Fine..." Ash could visibly see just how some Zubat began to spin in the air happily, while others looked relieved that he was going to follow them. He was convinced ever since they talked about an injured Zubat, his heart would not allow him to just walk past them. He needed to help them. But at the same time, he was cautious of what the Zubat were trying to do. He just had to play it safe, less he wanted himself to be assaulted by a colony of Zubat. "Just give me a moment, alright?"

Ash sighed, turning around to talk to his Pokémon briefly before following the colony of Zubat to their nest. But just looking at his Pokémon and he could see that he had missed something. He knew that Evelyn was shocked to know that he was an Aura Guardian, since he saw her expression earlier. But he did not know if his Pokémon talked with each other while he was concentrating on the conversation between himself and the Zubat colony.

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