Finally Saved-Chapter 3

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Exiting the living room I entered the next room which happened to be the kitchen. It looked like a modern looking kitchen. With an island in the middle with huge lights above it. Behind the island there was a sink, with a huge fridge next to it. Above the sink and the fridge there were kitchen cabinets, with cups, plates, and other kitchen essentials. Next to that there was a huge oven with more cabinets around it.

My father entered the kitchen while I was admiring the beauty of it.

"Your room is the second room, go up there now, I have people coming in an hour, and I don't want you here." He hissed, and then went into another room.

Well I feel loved. Not only did he not want his friends to see me, but he didn't want any strangers to see me. That kind of hurt.

Instead of saying another word, I quickly escaped up stairs. When I found my room, I opened the door. My eyes widened at the view of the room.

It was so much better than my old room. There was actually a bed, with sheets and blankets. There was a medium sized window overlooking the woods behind the house. On the other side of the room opposite the bed, there was a small desk. Next to that there was a very small connected bathroom, and a small closest.

I put my bag down and started taking out my stuff. I placed the three small outfits into the closet, along with my second pair of shoes, an old pair of flip flops.

I went into the bathroom and placed the tooth brush, and tooth paste in there along with my hair brush. Within four minutes, I finally finished unpacking everything and placing everything in its place. The room still looked like the same when I entered.


I sighed while sitting down on the bed. Five minutes later I decided to go look at the woods.

When I looked out there, I instantly felt relaxed. I didn't feel tense like I always did when I am stuck with my dad.

Staying there looking at the woods, my breath hitched in my throat when I saw something move in the woods. I hope this wasn't like those movies were the killer came out of nowhere and killed me from the comfort of my own home. Moving closer to the window, I was so close I was surprised the window didn't come off its hinges.

The shadow came out of the woods and my heart stopped beating for a second. In front of me was a huge black wolf. Well not in front of me, more like below me. It sat down in the grass, and moved its wolf head so he was looking up at me.

For some strange reason I felt a connection to this wolf. I know I was going to be crazy enough to do this but I quickly ran down the stairs. I guess I got my craziness from my father. My father's friends wouldn't be here until an hour so I had time.

Opening the back door, I closed it behind me. When I walked outside the wolf just stayed where it was, sitting there looking at me. This is too weird for me; wouldn't a wolf attack a human by now?

Slowly walking up to him I felt my heart in my throat. You must be thinking, I'm crazy for doing this but I really did feel this connection to this wolf. I feel like this wolf isn't like other ones; not like ones that would hurt someone.

Putting my hand out, I tried signaling that I was no threat. The wolf came up to my hand, not even hesitating a bit.

He came up, and put his head in my hand. It was like he was snuggling closer into my hand, like he wanted to be closer to me.

I'm very surprised the neighbors didn't see this happening. This is too barbaric.

I decided to take the chance and I lifted my hand up and started petting his head. I moved my hand and started petting behind his ears.

I knew he enjoyed it because he groaned a wolf groan and relaxed more into my hand.

"You know" I started saying.

"I feel connected to you, and I don't feel tense or nervous around you"

"It's like I know you won't hurt me" I finished.

Looking up at me, I finally got a good look at his eyes. They were a bright blue color; it was like I could stare at them for hours.

I heard talking behind me and the wolf got into a defense stance. Like he was trying to protect me.

I started petting him to calm him down.

"It's okay; it's just my dad's friends."

I sighed not wanting to leave. "I have to go now, but will we see each other again?" I asked in a hopeful voice.

Giving me slight grin he nodded his wolf head.

I smiled, and petted him one last time. This wolf really wasn't like other wolves. It acted more human.

"I'm going to call you Matthew, you look like a Matthew. Is that okay with you?" I asked.

He nodded his huge head again. Looking behind me again, I saw my dad's friends entering the house.

Sighing, I stood up, and dusted my clothes off. As I was walking towards the house, I stopped to see if Matthew was still there.

He was still sitting there, looking at me, watching me.

Waving at him, I entered the house. I ran upstairs trying not to cause any noise. When I made my way into my room, I instantly went to the window.

Looking out the window I saw that Matthew was still standing in the woods watching me. When I nodded my head, a little signal that he could go, he seemed to relax a bit.

He nodded his wolf head and walked back into the forest. He turned around and looked at me, for a couple minutes until he ran away into the woods.

I smiled a real smile for once.

I guess I finally have a friend. Even if he is a wild wolf.


Thanks for reading.



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