Wanting a Family (Imagine #28)

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Your P.O.V.

After a long day of hanging with Rydel and the girl squad, I was more than happy to come home to my fiancé. Don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of them. But with my introverted ass, I was ready to cuddle my Ross and not leave my bed for the next three days.

I opened the door of our house, surprised to see that it was silent. Ross usually had his brothers over, screaming over a game of hockey. But not today. "Babe?" I called out into the quiet house. There was no response.

My first instinct was to check the bedroom. He would either be on his phone or sleeping. As the door of our room creaked open, my assumption was correct. He laid curled up in the white duvet, a peaceful look on his tired face.

I took a second to admire the handsome man, a wide smile on my face

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I took a second to admire the handsome man, a wide smile on my face. I get to marry that.

I quietly tip-toed to his side of the bed, setting my phone and keys on the nightstand. "Wake up, baby," I whispered as I placed several kisses on his exposed cheek. He stirred in his sleep, still not waking up. "Cmon, bub," I spoke a bit louder, kissing the corner of his mouth this time. He groaned quietly, his hand coming up to rub his eyes. His eyelids peeled open to reveal his hazel eyes I loved so much. "Well, hi. Did you have a good nap?" I giggled at his tired state.

"Yes," he almost whined. "Damn it, I was having a really good dream, you know?"

"Sorry," I giggled again. He turned around and stuffed his face back into his pillow.

"Go back to sleep!" he yelled at himself, his voice muffled by the pillow. His reaction made me laugh.

"What was this amazing dream about," I teased as I tickled his side. He jolted away from my fingers, screeching into the pillow. He turned back around to glare at me. I laughed at his attempt of a mad face. He eventually gave up the act and let out his signature giggle. The sound alone made me smile until my cheeks hurt. "So, you gonna tell me?" I pressed further.

"Nah, it's kinda dumb," he said as his eyes trailed down to the bed. He picked at a loose string on the duvet, avoiding eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes, joining him under the covers. I laid on top of his torso, arms wrapped around his waist.

"Baby, anything that makes you happy isn't dumb to me," I spoke, my voice partially muffled, since my cheek was nestled into his chest. I could feel his heart start to beat faster as his arms wrapped around my upper back.

"Promise you won't laugh?" he asked timidly.

"Promise," I said, placing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be. I could feel his skin rising to meet my lips as his heart pulsed.

"Well," he started, running his hands up and down my back. "It was probably a few years in the future. We were married by then, and had a little boy. He was probably about two. You were sitting on the patio with a dog in your lap as I played with our son. I looked over at you, and you gave me the brightest smile. It felt so real, and I knew I made the right choice about you."

I was almost in tears by the time he was done. "Why would I ever laugh at that?" I spoke softly, leaning my head up to meet his eyes.

"I don't know," he shrugged, the most innocent and vulnerable look on his face.

"That sounds like heaven, love," I whispered. I nestled back into his chest, feeling his arms hold me tighter. We sat in a peaceful silence for some minutes, just holding each other.

"Can we make it a reality?" he whispered into my hair.

"What?" I asked him with a shocked look on my face. He smiled and flipped us over so he was on top of me.

"Let's make it real. I wanna have a baby with you," he said, leaning down to kiss my stomach. My skin instinctively jerked away as I screeched.

"As sweet as that was, I'm still ticklish," I reminded him, running my fingers through his hair.

"You never agreed about the baby thing," he pushed on, resting his cheek against my stomach. I continued to sift my fingers through his hair, taking some time to think.

"How about after the wedding," I suggested. He placed his chin on my stomach, looking up at me with a pout.

"But why?" he asked, sounding like a five year old asking his mom why he couldn't have a cookie.

"We already have my dress, babe. If I get pregnant, that'll complicate things. Let's try after the wedding. We'll be stress free, since we won't have planning to do. And we'll have all the time in the world to start a family," I reasoned with him. He sighed, thinking about my words.

"I guess you're right," he gave in. "I'm sorry I pounced on you about it. I'm just excited for our future."

"I am, too. But there's no rush. You've got me forever," I smiled down at him. He smiled back, his eyes sparkling with happiness. He crawled back up my body to place a loving kiss on my lips. I kissed back without a second thought, my hands cupping his stubble-covered cheeks.

"I'll wait, but as soon as we're in that hotel in Cancun, you're all mine," he growled against my mouth. 

"I've always been yours," I whispered back, using his hair as leverage to pull him closer to my lips. His hands snaked to the back of my knees, wrapping my legs around his waist in an attempt to get me as close as humanly possibly.

And that night, we made love like it was the last time we'd see each other.

And let's just say, he did end up getting me pregnant that night. Oh well🤷🏼‍♀️

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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