Is This Seat Empty? (Imagine #14)

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

You were sitting in a booth in the back corner of your local Starbucks. You used your free time to finish typing an essay that your college professor wanted done by Monday, and it was Saturday. Occasionally taking sips of your iced coffee, you typed until a voice interrupted your thoughts. "Excuse me, is this seat empty?" a male voice asked. You looked up to see a guy with long, bleach blonde hair. He was a very muscular guy with a little bit of stubble on his jawline. He was wearing ripped skinny jeans, a white button-up with three of the buttons undone, Converse, and a black leather jacket. Your only thought was: Damn.

"Yea, no one's sitting here," you responded, trying to keep your cool in front of the hot guy. You began to type again as he pulled out the chair across from you.

"(Y/N), that's a nice name," he spoke up.

"How'd you know that?" you asked as you looked up from your computer screen.

"C'mon, we're at Starbucks. It's written on the side of your cup," he shrugged, pointing at your plastic cup.

"Well..." you paused, checking the side of his cup, "Ross, why did you even sit there, there's like two taken booths. Every other seat is empty."

"Maybe I wanted to talk to a pretty girl," he responded. Ok, he's quite forward.

"Fair enough." You two fell silent, so you started to type again.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked. Why did he have to start talking right as you started working again. He was honestly starting to get on your nerves.

"Well, according to your coffee you're Ross," you answered, not looking up from your keyboard.

"Does the name Lynch ring a bell?" he continued to question.

"Well it's a pretty common last name," you tried your best to answer him.

"Wow, one of the few girls I've met that don't know who I am. Well, I'm Ross Lynch. I'm the lead singer of a fairly well known band. I just didn't know if you were one of those fans that desperately try to keep calm, or if you truly didn't know me," he fully introduced himself.

"Why does it matter if I know who you are? Am I supposed to?" you questioned him. He was still kinda getting on your nerves. He immediately expected to be recognized by you, which sounded pretty self-centered.

"Many of the girls I've been with only like me for my fame. Or they already know everything there is to know about me, which tends to soil the whole get-to-know-you part of the relationship."

"Who says I'm gonna date you?" you challenged. He seemed pretty arrogant, but not too aggressive about it.

"Hey, just wanted to get that out of the way," he laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. "But FYI, I would totally date you."

"You just met me. And for your information, you're kind of getting on my nerves," you continued to challenge him, finally looking up from your computer again. Your eyes met his soft, hazel ones, and you were mesmerized by the color.

"I know, but I already like your personality. You let a complete stranger sit here and talk to you, which means you're willing to trust. You don't know who I am, which gives me hope that you wouldn't use me. And you're playing a little hard to get, which makes it all the more fun. And plus, I find you very attractive," he confessed. 

"Well damn. You collected all of that in the last five minutes?"

"Yea, I've been analyzing."

"Not creepy at all..." you mumbled.

"Hey! In my defense, I saw you checking me out before I sat down," he teased.

"Well, that's what girls do when a hot guy approaches them," you shrugged, starting to feel a little flirty yourself.

"So you think I'm hot, huh?" he continued to tease. Why did he have to be such a flirt?

"Yes, I admit it. Although you were getting on my nerves, you are very attractive."

"We should hangout sometime," he stated bluntly.

"So you can bug me some more?" you raised your eyebrow, challenging him once more. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry if I made a cocky first impression. I rarely get a chance to properly introduce myself to a girl, because most girls I meet approach me squealing my name. It may not seem like it yet, but I'm a really sensitive guy. I admit it, I'm a softy when it comes to love. My favorite movie is Romeo and Juliet for Christ's sake. I'm sorry if I was a little bit of a dick earlier, but if you let me take you out, I promise you won't regret it," he explained with sincerity. He pretty much just poured his heart out to you.

"Ok, I guess I can give the mysterious guy from Starbucks a chance," you smiled at him.

"Really?" he asked as his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yea," you smiled at how cute he looked. The look in his eyes seemed like he was a little boy being told he was going to Disney World.

"Ok, cool. Can I have your number? So, you know, we can figure out the details," he asked.

"Yea sure, just hand me your phone," you responded. You both unlocked and swapped your phones, creating a new contact for yourselves. You put your name as (Y/N)😜. When you got your phone back, you saw his contact name was Sexy Beast🙃. Boys will be boys.

"Ok, I'll text you later tonight. I'll leave you to whatever the heck you're doing over there."

"I'm typing an essay, and I guess I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, it was a pleasure meeting you," he smiled as he stood up to leave.

"Bye, Ross." As he walked out the door, the bell echoing across the store, you couldn't help but anticipate what was going to happen in your future with him.

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