It Was Always You (Imagine #13)

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

You picked up your phone, dialing the number of your best friend, Ross. You brought your phone up to your ear with a shaky hand, waiting to hear his voice. After two rings, he answered.

R: Hey, (Y/N). What's up?

(Y/N): Can you come over, I need you.

R: Are you crying?

(Y/N): Just come over please.

R: Ok I'm on my way.

Within a few minutes, the front door of your house swung open, revealing a concerned blondie. You rose from your spot on the couch and ran to him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. "(Y/N), will you please tell me what's wrong?" he spoke softly as he rubbed circles on your back.

"Rocky cheated on me," you whimpered into his neck. After saying those words, more tears escaped from your eyes, landing on his skin.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," he sighed as he brought you back to your couch. He gently sat you on his lap as his fingers softly glided through your hair. His company made you feel so safe and secure. "If he, who shall not be named, doesn't see how amazing you are, then he doesn't deserve your tears."

"I know, but it still hurts to be betrayed like that. I thought he loved me," you mumbled against his shoulder. 

"Rocky's an asshole. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Ross. I really appreciate you."

As you were about to lift your head off his shoulder, he leaned closer to kiss your temple. But since you had moved, your lips touched his for just a second before you both pulled away in shock. Butterflies danced in your stomach as you could feel yourself blushing. His cheeks were tinted bright red as he stared at you in shock.

"I-I'm so sorry, I d-didn't mean to... I was trying to-" he stuttered. Before you knew what you were doing, your lips were back on his, interrupting his stammering. He was tense as first, but he soon kissed back with more passion than you've ever felt. Rocky never put this much effort into his kisses.

Ross's hands were placed gently on your waist as you cupped his cheeks. Your lips molded together in the most perfect way. Even though it was so early in your break up, you couldn't help but kiss him again. His lips were so enticing.

The kiss lasted for about another minute before you both pulled away. As your eyes met his, you couldn't help but smile. He smiled back as he rested his forehead against yours. Rocky who?

"It's about time," Ross mumbled as he completely pulled away.

"What are you talking about?"

"(Y/N), I've always liked you. I didn't know how to tell you cause you're my best friend. And once you started to show an interest in Rocky, I had to back off," he explained.

"You should've told me. I guess I've always felt something for you, I was just afraid of ruining our friendship."

"I know you're just getting over a heartbreak, so we can just take it slow, ok?" he offered sweetly. You smiled at him, appreciative that he took your feelings into consideration.

"I'd like that," you sighed as you rested your head against his shoulder again. "I guess I was never meant to be with Rocky. Maybe it was always you."

(A/N) Hey guys, I'm back! I hope to post more imagines in the future. Stay tuned!

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