Stay With Me (Imagine #1)

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(Y/N) P.O.V.
Watching Ross perform was like falling in love with him all over again. He was performing your favorite song by him, Stay With Me. The song was obviously written for you, because of your rough past with him...

-2 years ago-

"Ross, don't do this please. Stay with me..." You murmured, not wanting to let him go. The past three years together had been amazing, but not nearly enough. Your relationship had been falling apart right after he found out you were going to a college in New York, while he stayed at home in California.

"(Y/N), we can't keep this up. You're always busy with school, I'm always on tour. We don't have time for each other, not anymore."

"What about all that we've been through? We've been best friends our entire lives, for Christ's sake!" You started raising your voice. You didn't understand how he thought breaking it off would be a solution to not seeing each other.

"And we still will be friends. It's just that sometimes couples drift apart, it happens." He tried staying calm. His dark honey orbs said otherwise. He slowly started making his way to your door of your cozy college dorm. You knew from now on it won't be as cozy, for every time you see that door the image of Ross leaving will pop into your mind.

"Don't walk away from me, don't leave what we could've been behind. I love you, god damnit," you chased after him right as his long, slender fingers made contact with the doorknob. You grabbed onto his muscular arm and turned him to face you. Tears lined both of your eyes as you both stood speechless. What was there to say? Your high school sweetheart was leaving you.

"(Y/N), for your sake and mine, we need to do this," he mumbled, his hand still on the doorknob. Your heart ached, for this was the first time he hadn't replied with an 'I love you too.'

As he turned away and opened the door, you mumbled with tears, "Please Ross... Don't leave me standing here."

"I'm sorry," he replied sadly, his back still facing you. With that, he left you, the door shutting with a soft thud. The door seemed to be a metaphor, mocking you as the message seemed to be that the door was the distance between you, separating you two for good.


You stood backstage, still watching your boyfriend intently. He managed to find you after you finished college and moved back to California. You were now happy and your relationship was as strong as ever.

You listened as he repeated almost exactly what you told him the day he left you. As he sang his heart out, you couldn't help but notice his beauty. The way his sweat glistened off of his forehead in the bright stage lights, or the way his lips pounced on his microphone with each lyric that slipped off of his tongue. For a moment, you wished you were that microphone. He looked as if he was in pure bliss on stage. You loved how he would take any chance he got in between guitar riffs to push his beautiful blonde locks away from his soft, hazel eyes.

As the song came to an end and Rocky closed it off with his line, Ross chirped breathlessly into his microphone, "And that was for my beautiful girl standing backstage." He pointed right at you and smiled. "I love you and I promise I'll never leave you again."

The crowd awed as you mouthed back, "Love you too, Rossy," blowing him a kiss.

(A/N) Hey R5 Family! This was my first imagine and I hope you liked it. I'll try to update often for those of you who actually want to read this.

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