Into The Misaka-verse

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Mikoto couldn't keep track of how long she and her friends ran.. at some point, even with her Servant level strength and stamina.. she couldn't keep going. Her mana having been drained from just trying to survive Cthulhu.

So she ended up being carried by Mordred as Okita was the one reserved to carrying Stacy.

"BLEAAGHH!" Okita vomited blood suddenly. "Oh jeez.. it happened.."

"What's wrong!?" Saber exclaimed.

"Oh she's used to vomiting blood, she was pretty sickly in her previous life." Mikoto said tiredly. "But.. wow.. doing that as a servant? Maybe you ARE injured?"

"Under normal circumstances It's like a terrible skill that comes with me upon being summoned. " grumbled Okita. "But with the new Grail War rules that have Servants needing sleep and such.. yeah this is abnormal.. I think I got hit a while back as we were getting chased."

"We need to find some place to rest.. to gather ourselves.. hide.." said Stacy. "No part of the city is completely safe though.. even with Vader and Gilgamesh holding Beast 0 back.. the attacks will cause tremors.. earthquakes.."

"The Academy.." said Mordred.. "It exists in a separate space from the world outside.. that's why you can enter through a friggin' dog house.. we can wait it out in there!"

"The rest of the New York faction could be there!" said Saber warningly.

"We don't have much of a choice either way." Stacy said.

"Yeah.. besides.. least this Stacy asshole can do is vouch for us." said Mordred.

Stacy shook her head. "My father has disowned me.. apparently my actions of late has given him the thought that I am more trouble than I'm worth.. "

"HA! Serves you right!" said Mordred. "Wait.. but that's also bad for us.."

"But.. indeed you are correct.." said Stacy quietly. "Serves me right.."

Mikoto glared quietly at Mordred.

"What!?" said Mordred.

"We can worry about the past at a later date." said Mikoto. "What matters now is that we survive.."

"Well said.." said Saber.

"I need to get Senpai some medical attention too." said Mash. "That bump on her head seems nasty..  how far are we from the Academy entrance?"

"Like a block or two.. not far.. we can be there in seconds with our speed." said Mordred.

They reached the entrance to the Academy in seemingly no time at all..  the dog familiar that had been guarding the entrance was gone, which was an ominous sign..

And to top it off, while the inside of the Academy was brightly lit, with clean walls and floors as usual.. there was nobody around.. not a student, staff member.. or even the familiars who tended to the place..  odd.. it was a school day..

"Nurse's office over there." said Mordred, wrenching open a door. "Come on.. "

The Nurse's office was filled with large beds with curtains for privacy and medical supplies, as well as books filled with healing type spells.

As Okita laid Stacy down nearby, Mordred sat Mikoto on one of the beds.

"How bad is it?" Mordred grunted, setting Clarent down next tot he bed.

"I'm fine.." Mikoto said. "I don't feel any-.."

Mordred lifted up Mikoto's armor and frowned. "Reaaaally now?"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 4: Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now