The Mage Academy

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(warning.. this chapter is a little graphic.. in fact this entire story is a little more graphic than my usual ones due to the nature of Billy Vilch, one of the main antagonists of the New York Faction)


Screams of agony filled the large art studio.. as the metallic smell of blood permeated the area with it's stench..  and opera music played on a stereo in the back ground. 

Billy Vilch.. the Artist.. had always been a rather flashy serial killer.. always determined to make his art with the best potential .. 

His studio was filled with cloth and newspaper to keep his pigment.. which mostly consisted of red and browns.. off his floor.. and the canvases he worked with were always massive to coincide with the size of his subjects..  though his girls were usually petite or less than six feet tall.. the size of an average human compared to an average canvas was not deniable.. 

He was a frail looking man.. with a sallow face, wide staring eyes.. always wearing a puffy jacket to conceal his scrawny-ness.. he hated appearing vulnerable. Besides.. it wasn't his physical strength that allowed him to capture his subjects.. but his magic..

One of his subjects a girl with brown hair, around 13 to 15 years of age.. was currently strung up on the canvas he was painting.. wires cutting into her wrists and ankles.. forcing her there.. as she sobbed pitifully, blood dripping down the wedding dress she had been forced to wear..  

Billy was currently sitting on a pully operated wooden homemade elevator.. as he used the girl's blood to paint massive, highly detailed wings on the canvas behind the girl.. giving her the appearance of a tortured red winged angel.. 

Glorious.. magnificent.. the light perspective here would surely catch audiences in the millions! This was TRUE art!!

He always admired the form of the youth. While they weren't fully developed, they were already developed sexually, and yet they were still filled with a sort of innocence.  He didn't know why he liked the brown hair... he supposed they reminded him of his mother.. before his father used her as his OWN art model and inspired Billy to start his own path down the career of true art..

He did love strong girls though. Girls who were powerful in certain respects. Whether it was because they were highly individualistic.. opinionated, or because they possessed some sort of authority. He remembered one time.. in 2004.. when he had visited Japan.. he had met a girl named Rin Tohsaka.. a mage like himself.. he always remembered a name..  she was just his type.. strong willed.. strong confidence.. except.. she had black hair.. so Billy decided it wasn't worth pursuing.. Plus she was a participant int he Fuyuki Holy Grail War.. best not to risk her Servant coming after him. 

There were many INCREDIBLE girls over the years that Billy wished he could get on his canvas.. but knew he couldn't because they were either too well protected... or.. in one girl's case.. too powerful even for an accomplished mage..

Some of them were child actresses and teen idols. One.. was one of the 7 Level Fives of Academy City.. 

But perhaps NOW.. now that he had a NEW partner in art.. it would be possible to get one of these rare specimens on his canvas..

Billy looked up.. smiling slightly at the hulking man standing in the corner of the room..  He wore a brown coat pants.. and a torn shirt under the coat.. his face wore a blood stained hockey mask.. perhaps his most recognizable feature.. was indeed that mask that was strapped to his bald misshapen head. 

This monster of a man was at least 9 feet tall.. and at his side.. he carried a large machete, larger, longer, then it had been in the movies.

Billy chuckled as he spoke up to the Berserker class Servant Jason Voorhees. "What do you think? The lighting is perfect.. yes?"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 4: Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now