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I walked out the door and saw Jakub my Beta. "A nearby Alpha is hunting on our land" we went wolf and dashed out. He only knows what I am. I'm princess Shadow moon of the dark realm. All of the dark realm wolves are trapped in there except me and Jakub. We changed and walked out of the trees. I saw that kid from school and his twin. I sighed and pulled out my gun. I walked over. "Off my land. Now." He pulled me close to him "or what princess? You'll kiss me?" I smiled I leaned in. Then quickly pulled back and shot him in the leg.

"If that's what you call kissing then yes." He growled as he leaned on his twin. "You bitch!" I laughed "Yep I'm a female werewolf so bitch is about right" I smiled and waved. His twin picked him up and ran away. Their wolves followed.

The next day at school...

Three boys came up to me. "Did you shoot our Alpha?!" I ignored them. I could sense pain on their bodies. I touched the middle ones shirt and lifted it up. I saw bruises all over his body. I walked over to Grayson. "Why did you hurt them?" I said trying to stay calm. "Excuse me?!" I growled as my Alpha eyes showed. "Why did you hit them?! Your wolves?!" He stumbled to me "cause I'm their Alpha" i shot his other foot. "Not anymore" I walked out of school with the boys following me.

I took them to my house. I sat them on the counter. I got the message kit. I cleaned them up. My brother walked in. "Oh my god?! What happened to you three?!" He ran over. "Our Alpha beat us" they said as their ears went down "WHICH ALPHA?!" He growled. "Relax I shot him in his feet twice it's fine. They're in my pack now" my brother calmed down and went upstairs. "Alpha?" Jakub said walking in "Alpha Grayson wants to talk to you" I sighed "Jakub getting me the Basic wolfsbaine and two guns please" He nodded and ran. He came back with my stuff.

At the meeting.

Grayson was late. So I was talking to a girl called Cameron. We were best friends in two hours. I also talked to Ethan he was nice too. Then everyone went silent. A door slammed. I walked with Cam and Ethan and saw a pissed Grayson. He yelled "WHY ARE YOU WITH HER?!" He went to push me so I put a pinch of wolfsbane on his skin. He whimpered and took it off. "Calm down Grayson. We were talking that's all" he walked into a room with me Ethan and Cameron following him. We all sat down.

"What do you want?"
"Your necklace"

Alpha gang leaders drug~ Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now