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New house, new school, new idiots.

I'm moving here to New Jersey to get away from my abusive parents and abusive ex. I'm a gang leader. My gang is second strongest. When being attacked I got stabbed in the eye. I'm blind in one eye. I'm a dark realm wolf. My pack are the Elemental survivors. The strongest pack are called the blood warriors. It's lead by twins. First in command is the younger twin. Weird I find it.

Anyways my first day at school started like this:

I walked in. To the left I saw boys smoking. I made eye contact with one. He grinned as I looked away. I walked to my locker and put my stuff in. I got tapped on the shoulder. I saw a girl. She looked shy. "H-Hey c-can we be friends?" She asked. "Sure but I'm giving you a Make over" I said and she nodded. We walked into the bathroom. She sat in a seat. "I'm Mia by the way" she said. I spray dyed her hair black, gave her clothes and a mask. We walked out together. We went back to my locker.

I got another tap on the back. I saw a girl. With barely any clothing on.

"You can't have those here!" She sassed. "You can't have your attitude here, but I didn't say anything. Ciao" I heard oohs and saw that boy and his gang.

I headed to music class with Mia. We were doing projects. We had to write a song. I was alone. Thank god. We got put in practice rooms. I was in room one. I headed in and shut the door. I decided to sing it first.

Oh I hope someday,
I'll make it out of here,
Even if it takes all night,
Or a hundred years.

Need a place to hide,
But I can't find one near,
Wanna feel alive,
Outside I can fight my fear,

Isn't it lovely?,
All alone,
Heart made of glass,
My mind of stone,
Tear me to pieces,
Skin and bone,
Welcome home.

Hello welcome home~

I heard a bang on the door and saw four people duck down. I grabbed my book and pushed the door open. It was that kid and three boys. "It's not good to listen in on things" i walked away. "We know who you are Bloodmoon!" They yelled I froze. I pulled out my gun and aimed at him. "I'd shut up if I were you. I have something you don't" He laughed "what's that?" I smiled "Secret" I teleported behind him "powers" he screamed and turned .

"Peekaboo"  I said before teleporting home. I love scaring people.

Alpha gang leaders drug~ Dolan TwinsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt