Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Finally, it was evening. All of the day’s activities left Lisa exhausted, yet relaxed. They had listened to each and every message in her phone, the masseuses even adding their own comments. Then Jenny and Adel had dragged her from shop to shop in search of clothes. She was done with Jack, that was a relief, Daniel too, she was certain was never anything. Sure, there had been a connection, but apparently he didn’t care about it.

Lisa checked her appearance in the mirror again: she wore a pair of mini denims shorts, with fishnets, seeing as how the temperature had dropped some, and her feet were clad in lovely ankle booties, with a watercolor stripped v-neck T. She had a jacket, just in case, and a scarf wrapped around her neck. She grabbed her purse and left. She was making sure she had her essentials when the elevator doors slid open.

Lisa took a step to enter but stopped when she saw who was languidly leaning against the rail of its back. Daniel wore a black turtle neck with a pair of dark jeans. His jacket was hanging over the rail. He wasn’t exactly languid when he spotted her. His eyes skimmed over her, twice, and Lisa was proud when she saw the appreciation there, until he met her eyes. It quickly darkened with passion, and then he schooled his features. Okay, Fine!

She straightened her shoulders then stepped into the elevator. “Monsieur Blanc, good evening,” she said curtly, congratulating herself when her voice didn’t quiver.

“Mademoiselle Williams,” he replied back, though there was a clear sense of humor. Lisa pressed the lobby button and waited for the door to close. “It is a beautiful evening for dinner, don’t you agree?”

Lisa was screaming in her head why he was making conversation, when he clearly had no interest with her.

‘Acts of Chivalry’ she remembered him saying. The words cut into her. Of course, he was only being a gentleman, for what kind would immediately abandon cordiality.

“Yes, it is,” remembering the dinner that had been organized for the guests on that night. Adel had quickly dismissed her, telling her to have fun in her date, to get married so they could force it on Jenny too. “Unfortunately I will not be attending the dinner.”

From her side view, Lisa noticed Daniel fully turn to her. “If it isn’t rude to ask, where will you be going, as I can see you are all dressed up?”

Forgoing ‘cordiality’, Lisa let her pride get the better of her. “It is rude to ask,” Daniel simply chuckled at her. “If you must know, I have a date tonight.”

His laughter died at that and he stood up straighter. He pressed the pause button, forcing Lisa’s heart back down to her chest. “And who dared to ask you?” he demanded. Too late, they both realised the meaning of his words. “Lisa, I-”

Lisa turned to him in outrage: “What?” she shouted in the tiny compartment. “You don’t think anyone would ask me out? What, do you think I am that unworthy of any affection? Or what, were you hoping I was so hung up over you, moping about how ‘Daniel is avoiding me’ or on how ‘Daniel so hot’ that I won't go after my own piece of mind? Jeez Daniel, those are some wicked assumptions!” her voice dripped with sarcasm and anger, that Daniel was shocked.

Suddenly, his mood darkened. “Well, at least I’m not the one who cheated on my ex.”

Lisa forgot about her shock abruptly. That is what he thought of her, a slut? Lisa didn’t realize it. A surge of anger burst through her mind, clouding her judgment. The sound resounded through the tiny space. Daniel’s face turned with the force.

Lisa clenched her aching hand in a fist. She was already feeling the inklings of regret, but she fought against it. “How dare you!” she growled. Again, she burst out. “So that is what you’ve been walking about thinking in your head? Who the hell gave you that idea? And how could you believe something so foul without asking me? You don’t know me!” she didn’t mean to let the hurt seep into her voice, but it did. “You know what, keep thinking that. I don’t know you, so why should I care what you think? Whatever was there, consider it gone. Now, if you’ll excuse me Monsieur Blanc, I have a date, with someone who actually asks, to go to.”

She fisted the button again and felt her heart climb up to her throat even with the emotions clogged there. She tried breathing in deeply to control her heavy heart. Damn you Daniel.

He sighed behind her, “Amour-” the doors slid open. She didn’t waste time as she walked out as casually as she could, cursing her heart from how it fluttered at the sweet nothing, calling back a determined “Goodbye Monsieur Blanc.”

She spotted Luke standing by the little seating set. He saw her and smiled. Determined to put the elevator incident behind her, she plastered on her best smile.

“Hello,” he said. Whatever compelled her to do so, she didn’t know. Perhaps it was the fact that Daniel was watching, but she did the custom in France. She hugged Luke, letting him kiss her on the cheek. “Ready to go?”

She grinned, nodding. He gave her his arm and she put her hand at his crook. As they were turning to head down the street, she got a glimpse of Daniel and was happy to note he was bloody furious.

Paris Malady (#1 in The Billionaire Series)Where stories live. Discover now