Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

It was a good five o’clock the next morning when Jenny thought to wake people up, again.

“Bitch, we’ve got to move. Sauna, Spa, Yoga, a set up between you and someone… Get up.” Choosing to save everyone, Lisa got off of the bed and opened the door.

“How do you manage to wake up so early and with this much energy?” Lisa asked, really curious. In all the years they had been friends, Jenny had always surprised her with the energy buzz she seemed to carry with her everywhere.

“I don’t know. So, get showered, then we…” she did a whistle as she pointed towards the door. Lisa sighed, and went to do just that. When she returned, Jenny was scrolling through her phone, a usual for her.

“Look who’s now not using the device?” Jenny mocked.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

Jenny waved the rectangular contraption at her and Lisa managed to see twelve text messages and thirty voicemails. “All of these, I have no idea how to answer for it. But I’m going to read them.” Jenny was going to do just that, but then Lisa grabbed the phone from her. “Hey,” she pouted.

Lisa grinned. “Nope, you won't. I’m going to delete these instead, since obviously they are from that asshole.”

“No, wait,” Jenny jumped up. “Aren’t you curious about it? Don’t you want to hear what that mud blood has to say?”

Lisa shook her head as she tossed the phone to her friend, then set about for something to wear. She noticed a rose by her boudoir, but dismissed it as the hotel welcoming her. “I already know what he said: That it’s my fault for being so stubborn to not give up my virginity. I already heard his bull crap; don’t want to hear it again. Besides, it could be he just wants a clean reputation this elections.”

“And why is that?” Jenny asked as she plopped herself on the bed.

“I took a picture,” she said, already knowing the reaction.

“What? Okay, rewind and pause,” Jenny exclaimed, her eyes going wide with mischief as Lisa hid her grin. She ended up packing in a pair of denim pants, a tank and a loose shirt, which she would roll up at the sleeve, then wore some tights and a tank top. “You are telling me this whole story, starting now.”

Lisa laughed at Jenny’s enthusiasm. She knew the moment would come. “Okay, but let’s just get to the restaurant first. I’m starving.”

Jenny looked suddenly uncomfortable as she trudged behind Lisa. “The, uh, restaurant is still closed.”

“What?” Lisa bellowed as they stood waiting for the elevator. Her glare made her friend start shuffling, finding interest in the hotel’s intricate wallpaper. “Are you serious?” she added in a sigh, rubbing a finger on her brow bridge. She shouldn’t have expected less from Jenny.

Jenny nodded generously. She pushed Lisa into the elevator and pressed for the roof floor. “There is a yoga class that I thought we could go to. Before yoga, eating isn’t advised. Anyway, Adel is there. I thought you would like to see her again, since you haven’t.”

Lisa rolled her eyes, although she was very enthusiastic at sharing a trio talk. Splendid! The three had been friends in college, and still were. So, because both shared the name ‘Lisa’, Adel’s full name being ‘Adelisa’, Lisa was known as plainly ‘Lisa’ and they had opted to call their friend “Adel’ instead. She had been the one to bring it up, even when Jenny and Lisa pointed out it was sort of a male name.

The elevator dinged open, and Lisa realised Jenny had her phone. “You took that?” her bewilderment made her cry.

“Yup,” Jenny grinned. “Again, aren’t you curious about what he might have said?” Lisa didn’t want to admit it, but she was mildly curious. She bit her lip from saying anything as they got off.

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