Chapter 2

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Laying in bed, about to pass out in my room, my first actual room. It's a small room, maybe a ten by ten, I have a twin size bed so it's nothing special, cloths all over the floor, one dresser, a lamp, an ancient tv in front of the small and only window I have, and a Play Station 2. The only games I have are Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, which are my favorite games. I try to go to sleep, ready to waste away in endless thoughts and dreams. But of course! I had to be disturbed by a phone call. Oh and look who it is. A call from a man, a man I just can't stand, despise of, hate. It's my father, Kenny Legna, stupid drunk if you ask me.

"Hello." Kenny said.

"What do you want, dad?" I said impatiently.

"You have to come with me. You're in dang..."

And that's when I hung up the phone. How did I know it was him you asked? Because he's the only one who calls from blocked number. He never calls from the same number, he's always gone, never supported me, my twin, or mom. If he had stayed, maybe we wouldn't have to go through so much pain that night... If only he was there when we needed him most.... If only he was there to save my mom from the beating her ex husband gave her that night. No, my father and mother never married, nor do I have any idea why they broke up. He always makes up excuses to me and mom about him having to "travel", yet he never says where,  considering she only has Zack and I.  My other brothers live with their dads. Bradley lives in Idaho, Walton and Daniel live in Colorado, and we are never to see them again. Why you ask? Because their fathers know my mom would go crazy and do anything to get them back, but the government has strict restraining orders against her. Her ex's think she's crazy because she says angels and demos are true, and says all kind of other crazy bull crap.

"I'm going to bed, any of you wake me up and you'll be sucking blood from your gums for the next three days!" I don't just say it, I mean it. It wouldn't be the first time Zack and I would throw down if he did, and I would never hit my mom.

"Ah, and now I'm finally able to go to sleep." I say to myself.

The next day, the first thing I do Is walk in the kitchen, old cabinets, white stove next to the counter, and the other side of the room is the sink, a countertop, and a refrigerator, I wake up to breakfast, eggs, sausage, biscuits, and gravy. Yet, no one knows who cooked it. The pans were still hot, and the smell was fresh, and not a single noise was heard by anyone. Mom doesn't know how to cook, and Zack has been in the shower for the past 30 minutes so it wasn't him.

There's a note and it reads "Cass, Zack, I hope you enjoy the meal."

"Is this some kind if joke!!" I yell across the house!"

Zack comes running out of the shower with a towel on asking what's wrong, and he is also surprised.

"Whoa! Who made all this?" Zack curiously asks.

"I don't know, but there is this note." I say, cautiously looking around the room.

Zack and I both look around, looking for anything suspicious, we don't dare touch the food. We only get dressed and go to school.

As I walk into the class 30 minutes late I see gabby giving me this weird look, yet a blushing smile at the same time while she's trying to hide her face. Mr. Bowers stole the attention.

"Why are you so late class, Cass!" Mr. Bowers demanded an answer. So why not tell him.

"I wanted to finish my school breakfast because I didn't eat this morning, only because some random person cooked food in my house and left, leaving a not telling me and my brother to enjoy the meal, everyone who lived in the house had no damn clue who cooked it so we left it there, it was too suspicious." I explained truthfully.  But everyone just looked at me as if I was some sort of freak.

"Very well, sit next to gabby, don't worry, she doesn't bite." 

"She's not the one you should worry about biting." I say in a serious tone.

As I sit down, I hear this sweet innocent voice to the left of me. "Hey Cass, I like your hair." It's Gabby, as I turn to look at her, she's hiding behind her smooth strait brown hair, and I could tell she was blushing.

"Thanks, I guess, no one has ever told me that before." I said in a non caring tone as I just ignore everything around me.

Mr. Bowers begins to teach the class, but before we get even five minutes in, I began to fall asleep.

I remember there being a blast, a huge one, one that left the whole room covered in fire and debris. I could see three people, a girl who had fear strike her heart as if she stared evil right in the face, a boy about my age, with something impaling his body, and an evil looking man who looked as if though he had wings, was staring right at me.


I hope everyone liked this chapter, if so, please VOTE or COMMENT. I know it's not the best, but it's my first book, so if there is grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that. My brother is working on some drawing for me, so I'll be able to post a picture of what I vision my character to look like soon, if he finishes it that is. Anyways, I hope you all liked it, there is more to come.

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