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A cold splash of reality hit them the morning after they got back from their Monaca road trip. "Next week we deploy to Grafenworh for four weeks on a field problem," yelled the First Sergeant at the morning physical training formation. Revv and Wahoo made eye contact mouthing, Fuck, in unison. The First Sergeant continued, "Lucky for us a unit cancelled and the range has an opening. We have four weeks to finish our annual aerial gunnery. Expect twelve to fourteen hours per day of work until we leave."

"That sahks," said Wahoo who was holding Revv's feet while he did sit ups. "Yah, uh, there, oof, goes five weeks, oof, of summer," replied Revv between his sit ups. "Grafenworh is huge," said Wahoo. "Did yah know we took that base over after WWII." "Oomph, shit," said Revv lying on his back after finishing the set of fifty sit ups. "Didn't we take over every base after WW II?" "Everythihng we coulhd. The Russkies and Brits took the rest, along with the Frenchies who got tharh little piece of the pie, aftah we gave it to thahm. "Your turn," said Revv sitting up and taking hold of Wahoo's feet. "Wiell I know that the Air Cav has annual aerial gunnery training, but I thought that was scheduled for late September?" "It, oomph, wuz," said Wahoo straining to do his sit ups. "Wehlcome to the real army, oomph, we are talking about some serious assholes." "I guess so; they are excited about going to the field for five weeks in the middle of summer."

"We're the ones who give up the most," thoughtfully commented Revv during a set of push ups. "How so?" huffed Wahoo. "We give up our youth. College kids are working summer jobs, hanging out at the parents house, travelling, whatever. Our asses are going to live in a nasty tent for five weeks in the summer when we should be being young and free." "Whoohf," said Wahoo taking a break in push ups. "Heahvy stuff. Dohn't fohrget basihk trainihng is lahk beihn in prison." "Not to mention the follow on training. All dudes, forced roommates, limited freedom, bad haircuts." Looking at Wahoo Revv sincerely asked, "Why'd we do it?" "You knohw why we dihd iht. Dihdn't have the same ohportunihites as those kihds yarh tahlkin abouht.

Two weeks later at Grafenworh Revv fell into his bunk dirty and sweaty fully clothed still wearing his boots. He just lay there on his stomach staring at the grass and dirt below his face. For the past week he had been flying seven to twelve hours a day without a break. Makes for a tired fucking Aeroscout. Besides the long hours, the artillery rounds going off all night disturbed his sleep. They were so close that they caused his cot to shake with each impact. Revv hadn't been sleeping well. Revv reached up to massage his lower back, Damn; I'm to young to have back problems and hemmorhoids. To top it off, Revv was so tall that he couldn't sit straight in the Kiowa Scout Helicopter seat or his helmet would hit the greenhouse. The lack of available height forced him to slouch when he flew giving him a painful back hunch at the end of every day. Revv laid his arm over his eyes, Dang I was so tired today that I got lost bigger n shit. We had to hover in front of a street sign so I could figure out where we were.

"Revv!" The Whale called. "Get off your ass! The First Sergeant wants to see you." "Damn," whispered Revv before rolling off his cot and landing on the dirt floor of the tent. Standing up, he brushed himself off and then leaned back to stretch. He listened to his back pop while not knowing if he was in trouble for something, this was something that plagued all young soldiers when they were called to see the First Sergeant. Not knowing if they had doen something wrong or not. He removed a rag from under his cot and quickly put a shine on his boots before leaving to see the First Sergeant.

"Whoomp, whoomp," Revv knocked on the First Sergeant's tent flap. "First Sergeant, Specialist Revv reporting as ordered." "Come in." Revv entered and stood at parade rest in front of the First Sergeant. "Have a seat soldier," said the First Sergeant pointing to a metal camouflaged folding chair. Nodding at four other AOs who were already sitting there, Revv took his seat with a sinking feeling in his gut.