"Yes it is. So what do you want then?" She asks, straightening herself.

Quentin looks down in thought.

"I-i believe, I know what they want" aunt Hilda stammers, stepping forward.

"I was harrowed, back in my day, by my own sister no less" she glances at Zelda who rolls her eyes.

"And the thing that I crave more than anything in the world is revenge" she gives them a small smile, turning to us.

"They just need someone to give them permission to do it" she smiles, walking over to Quentin.

"Isn't that what all well behaved children need, permission?" She asks and he nods.

"Okay, come on, gather round my darlings, you listen to auntie Hilda" she smiles excitedly.

I look up at aunt Zelda as she stares at Hilda with sad eyes and I realise she regrets it.


"Are you ready to meet your fate?" Prudence grins, approaching us.

Here we go.

"Prudence, please, I'm begging you, leave us alone" Sabrina sighs, knowing it won't work.

"There's no hope in hell on that, half-breeds. Now get moving" she seethes and I bite my tongue, standing up.

We walk through the dark woods as they lead us with nooses like leashes.

I glance at Sabrina with a pointed look and she shakes her head, not yet.

"Do you know what it's like to die by hanging?" Prudence asks.

"Well no, can't say I've tried it" I smile sarcastically and she glares at me.

"Most people think it's fast but it's not" she smiles, sadist.

She throws the end of the nooses over a hanging branch above out heads.

"Any last words?" She asks and Sabrina nods.

"Yes. Thirteen witches were hanged here by witch hunters, those women couldn't possibly have imagined a place like the Academy, a school where witches would be safe, even if they could, they'd never believe that the women inside it's wall would turn on one another like this, which is why..." she trails off, turning to me.

"The Academy tradition of harrowing, ends tonight" I spit angrily and I feel the adreleine course through my veins.

Prudence leers, "it's three against two. You're going to die, half-breeds, give the Dark Lord our best won't you?" She smiles, tugging on the ropes.

My toes brush the soil as I hold back a choke.

'Now would be a good time to start' I tell Sabrina in my head.

"Light as a feather, stiff as a board, light as a feather, stiff as a board" the harrowed children chant as they circle us.

Suddenly our nooses drop as the sisters are pulled into the air by their own.

We pull the rope off our necks, stepping forward.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ