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I think we all know this one had to be discussed:

"It's disgusting what he did to those two boys, he's a pedophile - Michael jackson is a monster I'll never listen to him again."

PLEASE READ (If you are having doubts or are struggling to cope

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(If you are having doubts or are struggling to cope.)

I struggle to be able to wear my t-shirt's without getting abuse anymore.

I can't listen to Michael around my friends because I'll get constant harassment.

Whenever I try and convince anyone otherwise with the facts and figures they just ignore me, can't be bothered to listen, and take solely the documentary as their reason for hating michael.

Our beautiful fandom is declining and Michael's incredible music is loosing its  legendary reputation among these unjustified haters. I went in to such a low time a few weeks ago that I daren't ever come on wattpad.

But I am so glad I did.

Polls on instagram on facebook green with the higher percentage of his fans.

Protests, people screaming their hearts out from my phone's little speakers.

Fans working tirelessly to get those facts and figures up.

The strong majority does still love Michael. And always will.

Do not give up hope. Do not relate Michael to that horrid sickening feeling in your stomach that people don't like him anymore. Because it's simply untrue. This is what Robson and Safechuck WANT.

No fans, no evidence. Easy money.

There is no evidence, I'm an acting student and I was crying with laughter at the poor 'performance' those too were giving in the so called documentary. I've seen kids who have done glances and looks like that in their pieces and who have gotten shit marks and failed exams because it's just not what an abuse victim would do, hell, Michael was an abuse victim, you know as well as I do he would vomit everytime he even heard Joe. Those too were poor actors.

They're lying and it's so damn obvious. I could make a documentary right now saying Michael raped me. Have I ever left England? No. Have I ever met Michael? No. Was I young enough to even be around when this was happening? Absolutely not.

But knowing the media, I'd probably still get an immense amount of coverage for it.

This will pass. Everything does. It's just the 'hot topic' now, not only R and S are making money off these lies now, but every journalist, account, youtube video and news story are profiting from Michael, as they always have been.

Be strong, be tough, support Michael in any which way possible. But don't waste your energy and time on those who are too ignorant to listen - they aren't worth your time and will just make you doubt yourself even more.

If we got through those trials, we can get through this utter dog shite.

There will always be people who claim to hate Michael for what he isn't and nothing can change that especially now, but don't let someone else interfere with what YOU love. It makes you feel so much worse.

- Susie

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