So long, bear well!

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As I was placing my hand against the door to push it open, I heard a sudden yell emanate from behind it.

It could've only been the purple eyed boy.

I quickly shoved the door open and was greeted with an unbelievable sight.

The boy was crouched up against the wall, shaking in disbelief, and five small, colorful bears were standing in a circle around him, laughing at his confusion.

"What the hell?" I blurted out, immediately cupping both of my hands over my mouth.

Instantly all five of the bears turned around, sprinting towards me at an alarming speed. I needed to run, immediately.

But before I could move an inch from where I stood, the small bears circled around me and pushed me towards where the boy was huddled.

"What is going on here?! Are you things real?! I don't understand!" I screamed at the bears, interrupted by their forceful shoves and scratches.

I fell backwards and landed against the purple boy, accidentally hitting his chest with my head.

He tilted his head down and stared into my (e/c) eyes, fear shrouding his violet ones. I felt his arms clamp around me, hugging me tightly in a moment of confusion.

The bears begin closing in on the both of us, closer and closer, until they were centimeters from our faces, cackling maniacally.

I had't even learned this boys name, and I was going to die in his arms.

Just as I was beginning to accept my demise, the bears' laughing ceased and they stopped moving, their mannerisms suspiciously still.

The boy and I turned to look at each other, then back to the colorful bears. He opened his mouth to say something, but was instantly interrupted.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" the colorful bears suddenly sang together, my breath catching in my throat.

I tightly hugged the purple haired boy, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

His skin was soft, and smelled ever so slightly of vanilla. It was shocking how comforted I felt so suddenly, even surrounded by unknown, terrifying, rainbow bears.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO US?" the orange tiger striped bear suddenly shouted in my face, breaking my daze.

I frantically let go of the purple haired boy and stood upright, holding myself against the wall.

"Why are you doing this to us!?" I yelled at the bear, my legs shaking with anger and confusion.

The bears all sighed, seemingly annoyed.

"No honey. We aren't going to kill you, and you wouldn't be our first choice if we wanted to kill," the red bear stated, rolling his eyes.

I sighed in relief, slumping back to the ground.

"We're here to take you to meet the others!" the pink bear exclaimed in a cheery tone, the pretty flower behind her ear catching my eye.

The purple haired boy suddenly stood up too, slightly towering me in height.

"Others?" he asked, his tone calm and collected, drastically different than it was before.

The bears inexplicably grabbed at our ankles.

"No time for questions! They're getting impatient! Let's rock on!" the blue rockstar bear yelled in excitement, attempting to drag us away from the wall.

Purple Eyed Poison (Kokichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now