A crush

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"(Y/N)! Wake up, it's breakfast time!" my mom's voiced echoed from downstairs, the sound of her whisking following after.

Groggily, I stretched my arms out and put my slippers on, glancing at my (f/c) alarm clock.

It was seven AM, two hours before school actually started. This was when I woke up every morning though, because I did the same thing before school every day.

And that was ice skating.

I slumped down the stairs, rubbing my tired eyes as I walked. I didn't get much sleep last night, as I was busy staying up and watching dramatic vampire shows.

"Good morning lazy ass," my sister greeted me, sipping out of a light blue mug at the kitchen island.

"Good morning to you too, dear sister," I replied sarcastically, taking my seat next to her at the island.

"Where's my good morning?" mom asked, offended.

"Good morning mom," we said in unison, sleepiness evident in our voices.

We all ate breakfast together, minus dad who was already at work. After we finished, I washed my plate and bounded upstairs, getting everything I needed for ice skating and going to school.

I changed into a brown argyle sweater, plaid skirt, and black buckle shoes with dark green socks. As I changed, I stared intently at my wall, glancing over all of my ice skating accomplishments.

Awards upon awards lined the walls and shelves of my room, ranging from sparkly silver medals to large golden trophies, all imprinted with my name.

I noticed my reflection in a golden, ice skate shaped trophy and smiled at myself, feeling proud of the things that I've accomplished.

Me, the ultimate ice skater. It didn't even seem real sometimes.

Drifting from those thoughts, I grabbed my worn-in (f/c) ice skates, earbuds, school bag, and phone.

I rushed down the stairs, excited to finally ice skate today.

"Bye mom, bye sis, love you!" I spoke, quickly running out of the door.

"Bye (y/n)! We love you too!" my mom yelled, smiling.


The memories of my family and I in the kitchen together made my heart feel warm. I always felt happy with them, no matter how much we got on each other's nerves.

I snuggled into the warm feeling, my body more comfortable than it had ever been before. I felt tranquil, as if nothing in the world could ever hurt me.

Slowly, as I began to wake up, I felt that both my heart and my body felt warm; and not just metaphorically.

Opening my eyes a squint, I looked at what was underneath me and quietly gasped.

My hand was resting on top of Kokichi's bare chest, my (f/c) painted fingernails contrasting against his messy purple hair. I felt his shallow breaths against my neck, the heat making my spine shiver.

My face turned a deep red.

I glanced at his sleeping expression, staring at his long eyelashes and intricate, pale features. He truly did look like an angel, perfect in every way.

Both of his arms were touching my back, holding me securely against his sleeping form. I moved an inch to get more comfortable, but he pulled me right back where I was, his breath hitting my neck even closer than before.

My heart beat quicker and quicker, my face still red with shock. Why am I so nervous?


Do I have a crush on Kokichi Ouma?

But I just met him! All he does is lie and make fun of me, I cant have a crush on him. I'm just being irrational.

Glancing back at his face, I noticed how perfectly his jawline was curved, and how beautifully his messy hair fell onto his shoulders.

He's just a liar (y/n), you don't even know him. I convinced myself.

Just a liar.

Suddenly, Kokichi's breath hitched in his throat, his eyes starting to flutter open.

In a panic I shut my eyes and rested my muscles, pretending to be asleep so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

I heard him wake up and begin to yawn, but it stopped halfway, followed by silence and the quick moving of his hands from my back.

"(y/n?)" I heard him say nervously.

I stayed quiet, curious as to what he would say if I wasn't awake.

It remained quiet, the silence ringing in my ears.

What I expected was his weight to leave the bed, and then the sound of my door closing as he left the room. I expected no more words, no more warmth. and no good mornings.

What I didn't expect was his hand on my cheek.

What I didn't expect was his lips on my forehead.

What I didn't expect was the quietest,

"How does she even look pretty asleep?"

But that's exactly what I got.

I tried my hardest not to let my face heat up, but it was the most difficult effort I had ever made.

He laughed lightly as he left the room, the gentle sound of the door closing behind him alerting me that he was gone.

My eyes shooting open, I breathed deeply, holding my head and collecting my scrambled, messy thoughts.

I have a crush on Kokichi Ouma.





Anyways, sorry I haven't published in a minute! Ill be more consistent with it soon, I have good plans for this story :)

Thank you so much for reading <3

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