
Regina was the first family member to wake up; the sun wasn't even peaking over the trees yet. She couldn't help it, today she was going to shift!

She looked over to the bed to see Mavis and Atta still sleeping. Both were wrapped around the other with peaceful smiles. She would just have to wait for them to wake up naturally, or Regina could take matters into her own paws.

Following her hunting instincts, the wolf crouched and kept an eye on the target. The prey hadn't noticed her yet. So, she put one paw in front of the other, slowly creeping towards the unsuspecting humans.

Reaching the edge of the bed, Regina took note of the human's steady breathing. Seeing that they were still deep in sleep, the wolf leaped.

The two humans woke up to the significant weight landing on their chests. Air escaped both of them, followed by groans of pain. Regina just stood on Mavis and Atta, watching as they were suddenly very awake.

"Good morning Luce." Atta croaked out while Mavis tried to push the wolf off their chests.

Regina obeyed the hands and sat at the end of the bed, watching as the couple took deep breaths. Atta sat up while Mavis continued lying on the bed.

The wolf tilted her head as she watched the woman. Why wasn't she getting up, wasn't Mavis excited about today?

"What do you need Luce, it's five in the morning."

'Mavis is gonna teach me how to shift.'

It was a little strange to have Speranza talking for her, someone else saying 'I' and 'me' through her own link. Still, it was better than answering yes and no questions.

"Did she say when she was going to teach you?" He rubbed a hand over his face while Mavis just groaned from the bed.

Suddenly guilt overcame the pup. She had ruined their bedtime and their schedule. For all she knew, Mavis wasn't going to teach until hours later. Regina had jumped ahead of time and messed things up.

Ears low and tail hanging, the wolf jumped off the bed and went to her own. Atta said something, but she didn't listen. Regina just put her head on her paws; she would let them sleep.

She was new to the couple, an add-in. Regina had no idea how long the couple had lived alone. They had their routine and plans that they followed. She would just have to watch and see how she would fit into their lives.

So, Regina watched. She was patient as the sun slowly rose, and light came through the open window. Atta got up then, kissing Mavis on the head before leaving the room. Mavis slept longer, getting up and leaving without a second glance.

Regina followed the woman down to the kitchen. She hid in a corner as some pack members greeted Mavis, Teresa included. They talked and chatted before Mavis went out the back door.

The woman went back to the area where Regina found her yesterday. Mavis shifted this time into a large black wolf with glowing yellow eyes. Regina was a little scared but followed anyways. A brown wolf with lighter eyes greeted Mavis, and the two started to fight.

Regina sat under a bench as the two wolves went at each other. Blood wasn't shed; it was like play fighting with another pup. They didn't stop until the sun was over the trees, and light covered the field.

The wolves then split up, going into a room by the field. Mavis and Atta came out with new clothing and in human form. The fighting then continued, this time with items in their hands or fighting hand to hand.

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