Son Oh Gong returned inside Seungah's temple with Jin Seonmi by his arm.

"Son Oh Gong," Mawang called him. "Did you see Seo Mijin....." his voice faltered. "Jin Seonmi-ssi?" He took an overall view of Jin Seonmi. "You're wearing Seo Mijin's..... Jin Seonmi... Seo Mijin...." Then he gasped. "Seo Mijin was you!"

Jin Seonmi nodded. "It's me Mawang. It took me awhile to fully remember but it's me."

"So that's why Son Oh Gong can't feel his eye on you," Mawang explained. "Because you were born like him! Your powers overshadowed his eye."

Again, Jin Seonmi nodded.

"I'm glad you have found yourself, Seonmi-ya," Chul Sun said.

"Thank you, mistress."

"In the end, you still remembered, huh," Seungah spoke as she entered the main hall. She looked tired but fine.

"Yes, goddess," Seonmi replied. "It turns out, I didn't really want to forget. And don't worry, Seungah-nim. I'm not Samjang anymore and I'm stronger now. The tragedy in the past life won't happen again."

"Yeah," Son Oh Gong interjected. "I'll make sure that that* won't happen again." He held Jin Seonmi's hand tight. Showing everyone his determination on not losing his woman ever again.

Seungah smiled weakly. The eclipse has taken its toll on her. "That's good. Then, I'll retire for the day, first. Take care everyone."

Everyone bowed to her in respect.

As she entered her private chambers, Deity of the Sun arrived looking disheveled.

"Sunny! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Son Oh Gong asked.

"Seungah? Is she fine?" Sunny ignored him.

"Your sister is resting in her room, Deity of the Sun," Mawang answered to him.

Sunny ran into her room quickly. He appeared and disappeared so fast.

"He must be very worried for his sister," Chul Sun commented.

"Yeah," Mawang agreed.

"THEY WERE SIBLINGS!?" Son Oh Gong exclaimed. "Mawang! Why didn't you tell me!? I even thought something *love-love* was going on between the two!"

Mawang shrugged. "You didn't ask, thug." He turned to Jin Seonmi, "Anyway, Jin Seonmi-ssi, this means you're going home with us, right?"

Seonmi nodded. "There are a lot more skillful protectors in the village. And somehow, my family always knew that a man will come to sweep me off my feet."

At that timing, Elder Soobori appeared in front of them. "Thank you for bringing back Deity of the Sun." He turned to Son Oh Gong. "Well, Great Sage, it seems that your reward has come to you." He turned to Jin Seonmi, "And welcome back, Jin Seonmi-ssi."

The couple smiled and nodded.

"Mawang, the heavens has promoted you to the highest seat of the council as of now," he announced as Elder Soobori faced Mawang. "You will be given two grants as the head. Can you announce now what you want?"

"Firstly, I want Hong Hae Ah's life to be spared from any punishment given to him once he knows of his true identity. His mother has already paid the price of her crime with her life. And in all actuality, he had no part or say of the sin his mother has done," Mawang replied.

"Done," the elder said. "Secondly?"

"Tell me where Cha Eun is now."

The elder then called, "Chul Sun."

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