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Hokages p.o.v

flash back

Its been really peaceful since naruto left with the bridge builder. He should be arriving sometime today. I'll also have the chunin Exams to tend to, being hokage is really hard. i turned my head towards the door someone is here.

" Come in Kakashi" there finally back.

"Hokage" kakashi bowed to me.

" Hokage, on our stay in protecting the bridge builder  we came across Zabuza of the hidden mist and three companions of his." I thought they were on a C rank mission.

" His companions Was Haku Age 15 to 16, no family alive, no village, deceased. Next is Koi age 12 to 13, one daughter that she knows,villiage unkown. Last is Angel aka Kitty 2 years old, daughter to Koi, village unkown." all the information he gave is a good report.

" Kakashi you did well, but i have a few questions about Koi and Angel, are they still alive?" he opened a door and a little girl with long Silk white hair, big orange eyes, and pale skin came in.

" Uhh hello um... Hokage, my name is Koi please take good care of me and Angel." she bowed her head.

" Koi raise your head and tell me your story." she sat down on the coutch and told me her story.

" Koi you were only 11 when you had Angel right."


"And you don't remember anything, right?

" Right"

" i would love to meet your Daugther please bring her." I told her and she left.

"Hokage what are you going to do?" Kakashi asked.

" Im going to have Luke's interrogate them" he turned to me and frawned.

" You know they are just kids right?" kakashi kept his frown.

" I know but luke is the only way possible to get information and possibly bring back her mermories. "

I understood that luke might kill them even thought hes 14 he is the best at what he does interrogating with terrtor.

" Hokage." i turned to see a boy with red spiked hair like kakashi and he was wearing all black with blue eyes.

" Ah luke your here come in, i have a quest for you."

" Yes Hokage anything." he looked bored out of his mind.

" Well i need you to interragate two young ladies, Koi who is 12 to 13 , and her daughter Angel 2."  his eyes widen like if he won the grammy.

" Did you say Koi as in Koi Fang?"  he brought his composer back.

" I dont know she seems to have lost her memorys. Thats why your going to get as much info out of her and her daughter. i really dont like toutore but it seems like the only way."

" Wait she has a daughter...." he said something after that but i couldnt hear something about ' dammn that kabuto' i think oh well.

"are we clear on what you have to do Luke?"

"yes hokage understood."

A faint knock came .

" Come i-"

" Onee-chan were are you!!"

" Kitty calm down." Woah totally takes after her father because her mother is so calm.

" Ah Kitty-chan im over here"

" Onee-chan i big scarry cat monster tried to kill me but mommy came to the rescue, Nya Nya, right mommy?"

" Ah yes Kitty, came here i want you to meet the hokage."

" Hai." She was walking really slow towards me. She looks just like her mother but with big Golden eyes.

" hello hokage My name is Angel, but you can call me Kitty." what nice manners.

"Hello there, This is luke he going to talk to you so please fallow him ok."

" Koi do you know who i am?" luke asked.

" yes your luke, its nice to meet you." she bowed. Luke was at the break of tears as he lost something dear. but he stayed calm.

" Ok please follow me."

the headed out my door, i sighed. Please dont hate me for what im about to do to you and Angel.

kois p.o.v

" Where are we going?" i asked luke i was freaking out. we were in a dungen and it freaked kiity out.

"The Hokage asked me to ask you two a few questions thats all." he gave me a soft smile.

we came towards a door, and he stopped and pointed at the door.

"We are going to talk to you seperate,  kitty in here and Koi in there." Kitty was taken by Kakashi into a the room and Luke lead me to the other one. as i walk in bam black out.

Angels p.o.v

My head feels funny i walk up tied a chair. Wires with sharp things on it were around my arms and legs. it hurt to me, every time i move more blood comes out. Mom were are you.

" Ha hu Ha hu Ha hu Ha hu" im scared i need to breath, breath, breath. What would mom tell me to do. BREATH.


" Hello Angel" mom

"Luke.... help ... me.... weres mom....?" my breathing is becoming really on even.

"Shut up and listen i want answeres now do i make myself clear?" he poured a luqide on my arm.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH MAKE IT STOPPPP MOM MOM MOMMY !!!" i started screaming it was burning. it hurts so bad. mom were are you.

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