moving & enemies

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chapter 1



You know that feeling waking up and just feeling like complete crap because you realize it's Monday and school starts again

That's me right now

I'm Alaïa Martinez and my dad thought it would be a good idea to move to another country far, far away from the people I trust and call my friends

I groan standing up and going into my own bathroom in this big house

My father got promotion in his job and he needed to move for it and the good daughter I am moved with him

Or I just wasn't old enough to live on my own...

But I think its the first option.

After taking a shower I wrap a towel around my body and walk towards my walk-in closet

I decide to wear some black jeans with a white top which says 'more love, less hate'.

I groan grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs

"Goodmorning sweetheart, slept well?" my dad asks

I mumble some unhearable words in response throwing my bag on the couch and sitting down in the dining room where I wait for my dad to feed me something

"I take that as an okay" my dad laughs and places a plate of pancakes in front of me

I lick my lips and start putting syrup on. I start eating as I grab my phone playing best fiends. damn that game is addicting

My brother walks down the stairs, his eyes almost closed

"Good morning brother," I say to my brother, Jake as I give him my sweetest smile and he just mumbles some words into my direction before sitting down next to me


You are probably wondering if I'm nervous to go to this new school, where I know no one, and probably will die

of course..., not

On my last school, you could kind of call me popular. And no I was not one of those popular bimbos who has the longest nails in the whole world and practically sleeps around with everything that has a dick

I was one of those people who got straight A's and survived school with her 2 best friends

My friends are everything to me. If you hurt them, you hurt me and I will fight you

I am one to say what I want to say so I always did and I guess that was what made me kind of popular

And now I'm a nothing all over again


I finish my pancakes, grab my bag and make my way to the door putting a kiss on my brothers and dads cheek on the way

I put in my earphones and listen to one direction made in the am album as I walk towards school still not being able to drive a car

bad boys aren't cute Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang