Chapter III

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"Ah Merlin. finally decided to join me I see."

Arthur said glancing up from his work to look at his servant. Merlin entered the dim room quietly.

"How can you be working this late, and in this light?" Merlin replied not noticing the kings remark.

"Your going to ruin your eyes." he continued as he went to tend to the dying fire.

"It's touching to know you care about my eyesight merlin, but I couldn't very we'll go to bed now could I?" "Well me being servantless and all." arthur kept talking however eyes glued to his work.

"Oh come on. I wasn't gone that long." the boy remarked still stoking the dim fire. "Besides, gave you more time to tend to your kingly business."

he said motioning his hand to the scattered papers on Arthur's desk."

"My kingly business?" Exclaimed arthur. "And what other business is it I normally tend to then?"

the servant threw two fresh logs in the fire and the room was lit with a brighter blazing glow.

He gave the blonde a joking look than stood up from his crouching position, dusting off his hands.

Arthur's gaze followed him as he got up and headed for the bed. He watched the boy pat and fluff up and patted his pillow the way he new arthur liked it.

He than pulled out the blankets and prepared a bowl of water for him to wash in. He was quiet, and seemed to be deep in thought. Obviously still a bit tired, the circles under his eyes still visible.

Arthur's observant gaze dropped back down to his papers when he noticed merlin start to turn around.

"Right then." Said merlin walking toward him. "That's enough kingly business, you've got a busy day tomorrow."

"Excellent!" replied the tired king getting up from his seat.

It was quiet for a moment Untill arthur broke the silence.

How did you sleep then?" he said trying not to make it a big deal. Merlin was behind him taking off his jacket.

" Fine." he said in a normal tone.

"I'm guessing Lancelot told you?" he continued, shaking out the jacket he just removed from the king.

"Yeah, Eventhough I should have liked to have heard it from you first."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, merlin now before him unbuttoning his vest.

"Its nothing worth getting all upset over, just a few harmless dreams."

"Well from what I hear there not harmless, you can't sleep merlin." He replied studying his servant.

"well I can." He said. "I've got lancelot to thank for that haven't I" "he's a good friend."

"Indeed he is, you're lucky someone willingly takes time out of their day just to watch you sleep ." The king said trying to sound funny., But his eyes dropped when he felt Merlin's hand slide gently over his collar bone and up to his shoulder as he began to remove his vest. Arthur was practically hypnotized, his intent yet dreamy stare latched on to the boy just beneath him and didn't stray.

He new they were much closer than they need to be, but he didn't do a thing about it.

His eyes never strayed, his gaze was fixed on Merlin, but the boy never noticed, quite un aware of the situation it seemed. lost in thought.

He suddenly replied "yeah" with a grin than turned away and hung the kings shirt over the desk chair.

Arthur came to his senses and was suddenly aware of his insensible thoughts. Shaking it off he replied

"Right." "It's the big day tomorrow merlin, you should try and get some more rest if at all possible." Like I said I won't have you disturbing this quest."

He said as he sat down on his bed.

"I'll do my best sire." Merlin said with a smirk putting out the fire he just remade. He finnished his task than headed for the door.

"Goodnight arthur."

The king watched his servant leave for a moment before replying.

"Good night Merlin"

He lied down after hearing the door shut behind merlin, he lie straight on his back, eyes fixed on the ceiling. He was thinking..he thought himself a proper idiot.

what kind of king, not to mention a married one, has the occasional crush on his servant.... His MAN servant.

He shouldn't care at all if his mate (friend) should happen to have a good looking Knight to have midday sleeping sessions with. At least not at all in THAT way!

Of course that whole situation was UNDENIABLY strange. What with the whole helping each other sleep and what not, but still. When it came to THAT he shouldn't care in the slightest.. Right?

however much it little, he did care. Nothing could stop that apparently. .

Arthur tried to put the subject to rest and went over the plans for the upcoming day one last time before slowly sinking into his perfectly fluffy Merlin perfected pillow...

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