Chapter II

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The king tried to focus on the muffled voices of his knights discussing plans and plotting maps, But he couldn't concentrate, he kept distracting himself and it was beginning to become extremely frustrating.


"I'm afraid I must ask to skip this meeting if it's all right with you." Requested the Knight .

" I take it this has to do with Merlin." arthur replied.

"Yes sire, Merlin objects of course but he is exhausted I can tell."

Arthur nodded giving his permission. Lancelot bowed then headed for The physician's chambers, only to run into Gwaine .

He tried to talk to lancelot but Lancelot just patted Gwaine on the back and continued.

"Is he headed to Gaiuse's?"he asked arthur.
"Off to see Merlin again know doubt." He said looking annoyed.

"Yes Gwaine I believe that's his destination." Replied the king trying to hide his own look of annoyance towards the situation.

"Well I say he needs to back off a bit." Continued Gwaine still staring at the knight heading down the hall. "We can't have him hogging Merlin now can we." He said half serious. Still staring after Lancelot. his smile slowly dissipated.

"Anyway!" He said after a while. "We'd better get to that meeting." He hit arthur on the arm then headed for the meeting room. Arthur took one more glance down the hall then turned and followed his Knight.


"Thur..... ARTHUR?" a voice pulled him from his thoughts. He turned his attention to his right and met the worried gaze of his beautiful queen.

"Arthur, are you well?" Gwen asked in her soft tone.

"I'm fine..... Fine I'm just, having trouble concentrating." He said looking back down at the map.

"Well perhaps you should take a minuet." "We must put thought into this quest, it needs planning out carefully ." She said rubbing his arm.

"We haven't got much time left" he replied distressed.
"Ill manage things here for now, go clear your head and rest a bit if that's what you need. We need you focused."
She finished the discussion with a quick kiss. His troubles faded a bit for that split second.
With a nod he kissed her hand and left the room.
But the king had no intention of resting.

Arthur all but ran down the halls.


Because his manservant meant a great deal more to him than the proud king would care to realize . Among many other things.. Merlin was also his very very secret crush.

He loved Gwen, but he also couldn't help but feel for him a hint of admiration and attraction that went a smidgen beyond friendship. After all Merlin was his other half. The yin to his yang. just... THAT person your made for. Perhaps not in true love but simply in life.

Who could blame him? He didn't make it very hard. Merlin was, to put it plainly, bloody perfect.

It's not like he was the only one either. A few of the knights couldn't help but sneak a second glance, especially Gwaine and Arthur new it. But he of course wouldn't admit he was a tiny bit jealous. Or that that was the reason he found himself to distracted to notice himself now running down the halls towards his servants chambers.


"Sire?" said the physician slightly concerned after an out of breath king entered his chambers without a knock.

"I'm sorry to intrude Gaius." Answered arthur calmly after catching his breath and pulling his act together.

"Not at all sire." He replied calmer but still concerned. "I'm here about Merlin." "Have you learned anything new about his..... Condition?" he asked motioning his hand.
"His condition?" "You mean the nightmares?" Arthur nodded.
"Who told you?" Asked Gaius suspiciously

"I talked to Lancelot, he of course wouldn't lie.".

"No. No indeed he would not." Agreed the physician. "So." he continued. "What is it you wish to know sire?" Arthur was quiet for a moment.

"W..well..'" He began. "First off, how serious is it? They are just dreams right?"

"Yes that's what I thought at first. But he really cannot sleep, and after a while that can lead to severe problems." "yes I'd say it is rather serious sire."

The king was visibly more concerned.

"Lancelot tells me Merlin will not sleep unless he is with him?" Other than genuine concern for his friends we'll being ,This was the heart of Arthur's concern in the matter , even if he told himself otherwise.

"Yes. It is quite strange, I cannot come up with any certain explanation. Merlin first started having these dreams no more than a week ago, it was after you two got back from your hunting trip. Gaius stated...."I've been meaning to ask you.... did anything unusual happen ?"..

"Come to think of it I sent him to fetch some extra firewood one night." Arthur remembered now looking at the ground brow creased. " It took him longer than usual so I went to look for him." "When I found him he had collected no firewood, and he looked a bit confused." "Just standing there like he didn't know what to do with himself." "than when he saw me he let out an idiot laugh like he remembered, and started picking up useless twigs."

"Yes that is strange." replied gaius looking at the king.

"Yes but what could have possibly happened during that short little time?!" asked Arthur confused. "How could the idiot manage to get into trouble collecting firewood?" "You'd think if anything he'd get attacked by some kind of animal, or run into some bandits, not get himself bloody cursed!" he exclaimed more and more amazed by his servant's bad luck.

"Do you think there could be sorcery involved?" he asked finally

"I can't be sure sire, but we can't rule it out. " "And judging by the story you've just told it is the only reasonable explanation" .

"I suppose you're right.".... But this curse.... Why is he connected to all this?"

"Well that is another mystery. We haven't the faintest." Lancelot happened to stop by a few days ago. Merlin was exhausted and the poor boy kept falling in and out of sleep while polishing your armor sire. Lancelot went to sit next to him talking to him quietly, the boy suddenly fell asleep on his shoulder to our amazement .He didn't wake until Lancelot left his side and the nightmares returned. It was quite extraordinary."

"This doesn't make sense gaius." Said the king holding back his frustration, crossing his arms, one hand rubbing his forehead. "Surely there is something more you know, with all your knowledge, surely."

"I'm afraid I do not , I'm as confused as you are I assure you." Answered gaius calmly. "

"We will get to the bottom of this sire,... But in the meantime, isn't there a meeting you should be attending?" He said respectfully.

"Yes you're right gaius. I just wanted to get a clear perspective on the whole thing. Thank you for your input."

Arthur turned to leave, and Gaius gave a bow of his head, but he stopped a moment and turned back around.
"And..please keep me informed on the situation." He said trying to look emotionless.
"Of course sire." Replied the physician.

Arthur gave a long glance towards his manservant's door with an expression gaius couldn't quite make out. When the king turned to leave he raised an eyebrow of genuine curiosity and than returned to his work.

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