For the First Time:Chapter 2-Moving

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“BELLA, ARE YOU UP YET, WE’RE LEAVING IN TWO HOURS AND YOUR ROOM IS STILL A MESS!” I hear my mum exclaim from downstairs again. I managed to get up and sit on the side of my bed for what seemed like an hour until I got the strength to stand up and go to the bathroom. By the time I finished my daily morning tasks, it was 6:20am and our bus was coming to pick us up at 7. I pulled the luggage from under the bed and started to sort out my things. By 6:45, I was nearly done until I came across the most important item I can’t leave without. My photo album. This was the album where I kept all the photos of my friends and myself until I lost it last year.

“BELLA, ARE YOU DONE? THE BUS IS COMING IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES. TIME’S NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU, YOU KNOW?” I hear mum bellow arrogantly. I quickly put the photo album into the luggage and plummeted downstairs.

“Finally you’re here. Just in time too honey. Give your luggage to the bus-driver and he’ll put it in the trunk for you,” my mum indicated as she talked on the phone with dad who was already in Queensland.

Throughout the bus ride, I sat quietly admiring the view that I was going to leave behind or never paid actual attention to. At the airport, we luckily made it in time with 15 minutes to spare before the plane came. Mum bought us magazines to read on the trip and then we hurriedly ran towards the plane. As I waited for the plane to take off, I flipped through the pages of the magazine. It was one of those girly magazines with all the gossip about celebrities and random quizzes. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy all the celebrities but some celebrities are just annoying like Cody Simpson. Sometimes I wonder if he’s representing Australia proudly or if he’s even representing Australia at all. As I flipped through, I came to a page which said 'CODY SIMPSON IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA-LOOK AT YOUR CODE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN EXCLUSIVE V.I.P TICKETS TO HIS CONCERT', just my luck... this is going to be fun.

On the plane, I read every single page in the magazine, yes, even the Cody Simpson page with all the tips on how to win tickets. I even tried the 'Are you a Simpsonizer?' quiz and surprisingly got 8/10, not bad. About ¾ through the trip, I turned to my sister behind me.

“WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” she scowled. Sometimes I begin to wonder who the older sister in the family is.

“Just curious about what you’re doing,” I replied.

“If you don’t mind, please go away, you’re interrupting me from doing the Simpsonizer quiz,” she barked.

“You like Cody Simpson? You’re only 10...” I remarked making sure to snap her back into reality. She jerked her head and then went back to the magazine.

 Half an hour later, we finally landed. I took my luggage out, and purposely left my sister’s bag there, you know, just to see her struggle and have a laugh. After all, from all the melancholy today, a little laughter would come to a lot of help.

“Bella help Charlie get her bag,” mum requested, at the same time giving me the death stare as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.

Since dad already got everything we needed and rented our house, all we needed was to get a taxi to drive us. On the taxi, I decided to flick the pages of the magazine to pass the time. Right at that moment, I came across a few numbers which seemed familiar. There it was. The numbers for the Cody Simpson V.I.P tickets. I don’t know how to say this, I’ve never really been part of anything special, nor have I really won anything. Even though I’m not a big Cody Simpson fan, there’s a part of me telling me to go.

“Bella....Bella...Bella...BELLA!” I instantly stepped out of my daydream, “Bella, get out of the taxi, we’re here. Gosh, you’re so retarded,” Charlie moaned. At times like these, I really wished I could punch her.

There it was, our new house. It wasn’t a mansion but it was definitely bigger than our previous house.

“Woah...” Charlie and I both murmured.

“Beauty isn’t it?” I hear a masculine voice say.

“DAD!” both Charlie and I ran and hugged him. It’s been a month since we’ve seen him and seeing him in a whole a new environment really made everything different. Afterwards, we both ran in the door, trying to dibs the bigger room. I ended up getting the smaller room but it had a nice view across the beach. I slowly unpacked my items. The room was different but I felt like it was home. It was the start of something new.

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