Which Mask? (Kashitarou Itou x Reader)

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You received a message from Kashitarou, asking you to come to his house, which was only a stone's throw away from yours.

"___-chan! Come to my house! Quickly! This IS REALLY IMPORTANT!"


Well, it was more like MAKING you to come to his house.

You were worried. Quickly, you ran to your closet and got ready. As it was quite cold outside, you wore a warm jacket with you.

You then quickly left your house.

Less than five minutes, you were already at Kashi's doorstep.

You banged wildly.

"KASHIII!! Open up! Quickly!" you screamed in front of the door.

Kashitarou Itou. He was your best friend for a long time. You both would share your secrets with each other, but there was one thing that he didn't want to tell you : The Person He Liked.

Not long after that, Kashi came and opened the door for you.

Ah, the ikemen, you thought to yourself.

"___-chan! You came~" he came and pulled you in.

"Why? What happened?" you asked anxiously.

"Wait. Let's settle down first, shall we?"

He took your sweater and hung it somewhere and told you to sit with Pon and Mimi. You slowly walked to the two white fluffy cats and petted them. You saw Kashi dissapearing into the kitchen.

You started playing with the cats. Pon then climbed onto your lap and rested there. Mimi still played with you.

Kashi then came out of the kitchen with some tea. You both sat and enjoyed the delicious aroma and taste together.

"Ahhh.... This is nice! Thank you for the tea, Kashi-kun!" you thanked him.

"Your welcome!"

"Ah yes, why did you want me to come to your house?"

"Oh! I forgot!" he then ran to his room and brought out a box full of masks.

You saw numerous masks, with different colours and designs. There was the usual fox mask, then a blue designed mask, yellow, green and many more!

"THAT'S a lot," you said to Kashitarou.

"I've been thinking... Maybe it's time to use another mask? Other than my usual one...?"

"Well, up to you. You WILL be the one who will be wearing it after all, right?"

"Yeah, you're right," he smiled.

You blushed. His smiles were one of the most beautiful ones you've seen in your life.

"Then, why not trying one by one?" you suggested.

"Okay then, if you say so.."

He started trying the masks one by one. Pon and Mimi both rested beside him.

At first, he tried a light peach coloured mask with red designs.

"Nope. It looks too girly for you." you commented.

He then tried a grey mask with polka dots.

"Hahaha! Nooo you look like an ikemen clown! Haha!"

Kashi's face turned bright red and quickly took off the mask.


After a looot of tries, none of the new masks looked good on him. You and Kashi were flustered. Pon and Mimi had slept all the way beside him.

"What should I do...?" Kashitarou whined.

"Hnn..." you mumbled.

You then saw the fox mask. You picked it up and slowly went to Kashitarou. You placed the mask on Kashi's face. It suited him perfectly.

"This, is perfect!" you exclaimed.

You realized Kashi blushed a little due to the distance between you and him.

"Maybe I don't need to change masks after all.." he said softly while covering his face.

"Y-yeah!! You're totally right!" you stuttered.

You blushed and looked away from him.

You did have feelings for Kashitarou. He was a sweet, nice guy. He always helped you when you had problems. But he was just too famous and you thought maybe he had someone else already in his mind.

"Hey, ___-chan, here. Try it," Kashi took off the mask and handed it to you.

"..Okay..." you then tried it on. You slid the white fox mask on your face.

"H-how.. is it?" you asked the man in front of you. He looked surprised.

"Wow? It looks good on you too!" he exclaimed. He went closer to your face and stared deeply into your eyes.

You blushed furiously.

"Anyway..!! Why did you want me to help you try out the masks..? I'm bad at choosing things for you hehuehue..," you laughed fakely, trying to avoid eye contact.

Kashi then spoke up.

"Hey, can I tell you my secret?"

"Which one?" you turned back to him.

"The Person that I Like..?" he replied with tinted red cheeks.

"Ah! Yes! Who is it?!" you tried to be cheerful.

Actually, deep down in your heart, you didn't want to know who was it.

It would be painful if it was someone else.

"The person I like is..." he paused for a while and took the fox mask off your face.

"Eh w-wai-" you wanted to ask why he took off the mask but, you were stopped.

The distance between your lips with his turned zero.

He held your face lightly and pulled you closer to him.

You were shocked. You didn't know how to react and froze for a while. You took a while to understand what was happening.

You never thought that he would like you. You then replied the kiss back and parted away.

"It's you," Kashi continued with bright red cheeks.

Suddenly, you went near the tall ikemen  and hugged him. You whispered softly,

"Me too."

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